Saturday, January 26, 2008

Early to work! Gets you home early in the day....haray!

Not me...Stephen....He is quite the cash earner these days. Today he put in a solid four hours and tomorrow he will be doing five hours. He is glad that he will be done by 11 am so his day is still his. Off to an early and I mean early drive to the rink. He has to be there for 5:45 am. I being an early bird will be taking him but needless to say have always had the notion that if you are 15 mins early you will be on time. I am anal about being early b/c on time stresses me out. Better early than late. I am sure we will be in the car for 505 AND he wants a MilkyWay Hot coco but I ma not sure if Dunks will be open that early. We will see. It is not like we have never been to hockey games that early before but we never made a Dunks stop so we will see if the poor Dunks workers have to be up even earlier. Have a good night/morning........


Dawn said...

Ugh! I am SO not a morning person! HOWEVER, when I did work at Dunks, I was there for 5:30 and they opened at 5:00 so hopefully your Dunks is open early too so Stephen can get his hot chocolate! Sounds like he is working a lot of hours, is he saving for something big?

Anonymous said...

He loves snowboarding and rents when he goes and wants a snowboard of his own. He also puts away a little less than half b/c it is good to save even though he does not like to save. LOL His brother is the saver of the the two. He also GAVE Ryan his IPOD and wants to buy a new one for him. We told him we will pay for half and it will be his b-day gift.
I loved getting to work early when I drove the bus before school. Still I wake up way to

Drew said...

I'm an early bird too. I can get a lot more done in the morning, before everyone wakes up. Also..less traffic, phone calls etc.