Monday, February 13, 2012

why so negative?

I was chattin with a friend this morn about negative people we know. It makes me shake my head that in life YOU can choose your reaction to many problems or situations so WHY???? why do you have to be such a downer ALL THE TIME or like 90% of the time. I know that it can't always be sunshine and tulips BUT I forever say that you may not be able to choose the situation but you can choose your reaction to it. Make it better not worse. Its those who make snow mounds out of flurries,,,,or mountains out of mole hills! At least look at it with a little bit of positive then maybe just THEN it isn't really as bad as your negative self is making it out to be. I wonder is it attention that is being sought? Maybe? but I would rather have no attention than neg. attention. Oh well...hands in the air....All I know is that
this says it all as well as this ......


Stephie Says..... said...

Stephie Says..... said...

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be