Wednesday, February 01, 2012


At last nights Wakefield stat up meeting I had the pleasure of seeing so many great people. To hear stories of how much impact SGK organization has had on the lives of so many makes me know I am apart of an awesome FAMILY, as we call it..OUR 3 DAY FAMILY! 1.9 BILLION dollars has been raised by Komen to fund drugs that prolong the lives of patients as well as reseachh for studies to find a cure and I love most that they help with expenses that occur like trips to treatment, mamos for uninsured women and men ect. I will never stop walking or giving something of myself till we find a cure, BECAUSE EVERYONE DESERVES A LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Patty Pie for treaking out and seeing just why my passion is so strong. It is so great to know you are now in THE FAMILY XOXO XOXOXOX 20+ years later and we still make eachother laugh luv ya Patty!