Saturday, February 18, 2012

walking with my bestest friend & sniffin pup

After having a nice lunch with the 3 males I love most me and my bestest went to walk our "baby" pup that is..... The Lake was beautiful until we got out of the car and the wind just hit ya like a brick. So we must of walked about 500 yards and said lets go to Breakheart! The Wakefield side b/c the HILLS ohhhh I love the hills...make you get a good burn on while being in such a nice wind free place. When we were heading in some nice family said it was about 7-10*'s warmer in there. They were correct. I so love that place it makes me feel so at peace and one with nature. Michael and I can talk and chat about anything or go a bit and just bask in the silence of the sun and nature. Bailey barks a lil when he sees a giant dog or two, never when it is a little no too easy for that lol A man said cute lil dog with a great big attitude LMAO! YUP that's our Bailey. I realized as we were walking that on Saturdays or Sundays we would make it an effort to head to the "Don" to see Nana T even if it were just a lil bit of time. I recall I would kind of sigh sometimes trying hard to scramble there but would leave knowing in my heart of hearts we got to spend time with her regardless if she knew it or not. I found that it was so more for us than her towards the end. Thinking of all the weekends that we can not see her since her passing it hits like a brick that even though trying to make the time I wish I had to rearrange or scramble to see her. It was a bitter sweet kind of epiphany of sorts when Michael said she is still with us in our hearts. I know that my love but still hurts like a knife knowing we can't just walk into the Don head to her room and know she is right there waiting for us. As we walked in the warm sunshine we saw one...yes in this huge place one bud of a yellow flower peppin up and it made me smile to think one lil flower is budding for all to see. Pup sniffs everything and he wanders into the brush off the path to have me go get him...and I see a shiny penny...Nana T always used to tell me look at the year when you find a penny and see if that year means something b/c it most likely was a penny sent to you from Heaven! I ALWAYS look at stores, in parking lots most recent year was 1972...and I really couldn't find significance to that being maybe 1 years old...but today that penny was 1992! I knew then and there Nana T was with us on our Saturday....She in my heart is making sure I know that she is remembering that year that since it is the year of our wedding...She would say to me the morning of my wedding after I had an argument with her about my timing of leaving the house that you marry your best friend...thanks Nana T! I so did indeed do just that...infact my BESTEST! xoxo xoxo xoxo


Norma said...

I am sure Nana T *always* knew you were there, even if she couldn't say it when you visited her. And I know she is always visiting YOU now.

Norma said...

I am sure Nana T *always* knew you were there, even if she couldn't say it when you visited her. And I know she is always visiting YOU now.