Thursday, January 19, 2012

getting the fleece on BIG TIME!

The clothes you wear in the winter just make you feel so warm and BIG. I really love spring weather clothes, as I am sure most of you do. I often feel 10 lbs heavier wearing all the fleece type bulk. In the old days I would LOVE to bulk up and cover up ever inch of the bod...These days I am not showing skin by any means but do however want to wear clothes that do not add tons of lbs on. Capris and a t is fine...I can't wait to wear the SKORT I really should not b*itch b/c this winter has not been anything like last though I still want to shout SUNSHINE DAY! And have the April/May weather here always...and then throw in some humid July 100* to get the sweat on! So till then it is the heavy under tights for this gal under the fleece/insulated pants.!!!!!! LONG LIVE THE SPRING~~~~~~~~~~~~~