Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dealing with paperwork

Since Nana T's passing I have had the awesome husband helping out so much. He so knows these things way more than I do. He does paperwork ect. Well yesterday I got an insurance paper about her benefits for eye care ect. and how she needs to switch doctors. So I call the 1-800# on the forms to report that she is I proceed to tell the man n the other end after giving him her ID # that she is "deceased" and that date was blah blah and the State got the certificate mailed to them ect. So he then says did she die? No sir she is alive and kickin' I like the word "deceased" or I may not have used it in the proper way..Ahh to myself mind you I am lookin at the phone rollin the eyes saying..the state PAYS you to service the calls??? lol A DECEASED person is in fact dead! YES THEY ARE~! So he gives me a DIFFERENT # to call b/c in fact he can not do anything for me....what a shocker....So I then call the OTHER number who the gal there knew how to help and also knew that my DECEASED Nana is in fact no longer alive and in need of health insurance benefits. She also said I am sorry for your loss, that I feel is very professional when they say that. It personalizes the fact that some of the state workers in fact do think of the feelings of others. SO if ya want to Google the word DECEASED sir state callboard in fact means...Noun; A person who has died, Adjective: Dead; no longer living. So yes my grandmother no longer needs the health insurance PLEASE take her off the list b/c I would liek to see the state take care of and give services to other LIVING elderly people.


Norma said...

Had to chuckle at this one, Stephie. And love the tulips! :) xo

Dawn said...

How frustrating, Steph!! When I was doing outbound calls, sometimes we had records that were not up to date and we would occasionally unknowingly ask for a deceased person. I always felt so sad for the person who answered.