Tuesday, September 16, 2008

$50,000 OR $500,000

We will see tonight who wins the half mil.....Dan or Memphis. Well lets see....just like Dan would start a tought. ...........lol Memphis won a very expensive vitage auto, Dan won $20,000 but no HG knows...just America for being AMERICAS PLAYER for one week not an entire season. He was suspected. Dan laid low and stayed under the radar BUT then stepped it up and won lots of comps.....He was a great player. Being the Catholic School teacher that wore his school shirt almost every episode he had a hugh following from his home town. He even said that kind of cash in his poor lil town would be HUGH....he is very much into helping out his football team and the school. This MAY lead the jury to vote for him. I put MAY in caps b/c that is how Dan would state things....lol Memphis really ticked off people but Dan did once or twice too. The 75 year old Jerry lastin gas long as he did called Dan, "Judus"....mouths dropped when he stated Dan you will always be Judus in my house and said you hide behind that cross of yours....Well that night Dan made sure he did not wear that cross b/c he knew he would be going back on his word....OK I am one for my word...and I can so see honor in that but some of these HG's/players have to realize IT IS A GAME! GAME! it is life in a house without ANY contact except Julie....Mrs. Chen as Dan would say even though she is not MRS. Chen ....lol He was so respectful to her. I do hope that the jury gives the cash to the player WHO PLAYED the game....Did I say GAME>......I will post who won.....Happy Big Brother watching. I WILL be so sad that it is over but hey what can you do......Maybe someday I can be a HG on BB......I would be the one who cooks up a storm for the others. Hey June won BB 4 I think b/c she cooked and cleaned for them and stayed out of the house drama....Hey if my place is in the kitchen then so be it...For $500,000 I will cook and clean.....lol Hey I already do it around here for the payment of LOVE!


Katie said...

love love love this show
i am rooting for dan big time!!!

Stephie Says..... said...

MEEEE tooo Katie