Friday, August 03, 2007

Baby # 17 YIKES........

This is the link to read about the

Duggars.......Yes people 17 biological children. AND they said when # 17 was born "sure we will be trying again" ////YIKES!


Stephie Says..... said...

They don't have the photo from the #17th's birth this is from #16.....I am sure that we will be seeing it soon.....

Paige said...

I saw this on Yahoo this a.m. Since David and Gabbie keep teasing that we have to keep up with the Duggars I texted David about it. He called me back whining that I shut him off LOL

Stephie Says..... said...


Norma said...

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, her uterus fell out.
(With apologies to Andrew Dice Clay)

Anonymous said...

lol lol lol I can't understand that her body would be able to have more......Stephie

Dawn said...

How can she remember all their names? And don't they all start with "J's". She's got some pretty funny recipes on her recipe - just the quanitity of ingredients they need!

Dawn said...

Here's their info on the Discovery channel...
You can check out their home page at to check out their crazy recipes for tater tot casserole to feed a small army and more!

Paige said...

I agree with you Norma; it's one of the best lines I've heard and I'm definately no fan of "The Dice Man" LOL

Anonymous said...

That looked really weird. See she is so not Italian ,,,,,lol....Who makes tater tots as a main course...well I guess if u have to feed that many mouths u have no choice but to save $.........imagine if they had steak for dinner...yikes that would be my grocery money for the week......Stephie

Anonymous said...

That looked really weird. See she is so not Italian ,,,,,lol....Who makes tater tots as a main course...well I guess if u have to feed that many mouths u have no choice but to save $.........imagine if they had steak for dinner...yikes that would be my grocery money for the week......Stephie

Dawn said...

Did you see the family portrait where the boys had on blue suits and the girls had on red? How much do you think the clothing alone cost for that pic?