Friday, June 08, 2007

2007 almost half gone.....

WOW ......It's June, doesn't it seem like New Years was yesterday. Every year the school year seems to fly. Well for the ...when we were kids it was sooo long, but now as adults it is like slow down. I love the summer months with high hopes for sunny warm days. Lets hope that the summer does not fly but we have long, lazy summer dayz to sip some cold water with lime and be lazy in the sun, swimin the day away. The boys are out of school on the 18th. Why thye can't just get out on the 15th is beyond me. They get the report cards that day so they have to go for the 3 hours. Lookin' forward to summer break to start. Hope you all enjoy your lazy summer dayz......


anonymous blogging woman..... said...

yay for summer and sippin iced-tea, lemonade and having

Karen said...

Summer summer summertime.. time to sit back and unwind.. (remember that oldie!)

I love summer too! The boys get out next Tuesday so we are hangin. I just hope there isn't too much boredom because we didn't sign up for ANYTHING!!! Lots of day trips to the beach and to relatives homes and riding bikes down the canal.. I'll get up super early and work and then the day is mine!!!! Any plans for you guys??

Jess, summer is a great time for having babies!

Stephie Says..... said...

Sounds like a great plan Karen...We have 1 week of VBS at the end of June, one week of Hockey Camp for Stephen overnight, 3 days of LAX camp for Ry, and what else may come our way. I am going to be working on Wed nights 5-11pm and then back there for 530am till 2 or so ..I want to get my time in all in one cluster so if we want to do things we have Friday - Tuesday, 5 days of no worries of the job....I like the idea, it was like tha tlast year and worked out well.
Ryan is 12 on June 30th and yes I like summer babies, though his due date was not until Aug 8th....ugh He kicked his way out early and breech too.....he has had ants in his pants ever

Anonymous said...

No plans here either-just got the pool all set except its GREEN!
Maybe a 4th of july parade, and guests...
My kids go back to school in July(towards the end)
One of my kids won a week at a camp!hooray!

Dawn said...

Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

One year Ryan won a week at a Jewish day camp near us for being a good citizen (oh so sweet) and it was like pulling teeth to get him to go ...He went 4 days instead of 5, it would of cost us $189 for the week. I tought ut was wonderful and he got to see a little glimse into that culture. He could not take any meat there b/c it was a Kosher place. He said in the morning they said "funny words" lol Hebrew. Hey at least now he can say he has been to day camp....He will never go again EVER. The 3 days for this year are Lax practice I guess I just put the word camp to it. He is excited about that b/c most of his team will be there. GLad to hear you are all hangin low. Thats what summer should be about....Have a great time all u bloggers....S

Anonymous said...

Hebrew camp sounds like a real hoot! NOT
But seriously, this is a sailing camp-more fun I think...

Anonymous said...

lol lol lol No just in the AM did they have the culture part..The other part was outdoor stuff then swim at the end...Ry was like I want to swim all

Karen said...

I volunteered at a Jewish Rehab center when I was 13 :)

Drew said...

I like bagels...does that count?

We have VBS the first week off. Krissy teaches. One week of LAX camp for both boys and maybe tourny baseball for Andy. Tommy made the all-star team but that's a one shot deal at the end of june. We'll know by friday whether or not andy made the tourny team. If he does, it's 4 nights a week plus 20 games through mid-aug. Mel...when are you guys coming up? I think the Hyatt's should host a bloggers bbq. If you guys come to the Island, you wouldn't kill us all and bury us in shallow graves, would you?

Anonymous said...

Mel seems to sweet to be an ax
Drew lots going on there. Have fun with that, hope the allstar thing plays out...Stephie

melissa said...

what is drew smoking?
I don't think we'll be visiting LI
Although 13hrs in my honda SUV w/ 5 kids does sound like a dream come true...LOL

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

drew, if i were invited to the hyatt house i promise i wouldn't murder anyone! but i'll be a little busy this summer, so i'll take a rain check...

Karen said...

How did you guess my plan? I even bought the axe...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some GREAT summer Axes for to Long Island to visit the Hyatts...NOT THE lol so

Drew said...

Mel, you're coming. You guys come every summer! Anne's coming July 18. Jess, we're very experienced with babies so no worries!
Speaking of axes...I LOVE the movie "So I married an Axe murderer" LOVED it!!!

Harriet, Sweet Harriet, you Hard Hearted Harbinger of Haggus!!!