Monday, May 29, 2006

Soliders ........May we honor thee.....

Today we went to Barnes and Nobel Books like many weekends my sons and I like to smell the "new book" smell. We are mostly library people as to not spend the cash, read and return for others to do the same. Yesterday Stephen my oldest dug for 3 hours on his grandparents yard for the footings for a new deck. His hard work paid off with nanna sending him home with $50.00.....Yes 13 yrs old 50.00 in 3 or so hours ....Nice I do not make that kind of money in 3 hours lol .........So anyway.........At the book store Stephen purchased 4 books about soliders past and present. The older cashier was pleased to see the interest from a "smart young man" on this Memorial Day. She at first thought it was for a school project but he informed her it was pleasure reading. She was then even more inpressed. I am glad to see that both of my sons have an interest in the Freedom of this great counrty we call USA.............We are sending out thanks and respect to all those who have and still serve today......God Bless the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Norma said...

Those are my boys! Remember...I am still offering an "even trade" for the summer...yours for mine!

Stephie Says..... said...

lol lol lol You would read to mine and I would read to yours and mine will not have to explain what it means or how to spell it lol lol

melissa said...

My kids keep asking me when we'll go to the library-or bookstore!!!
I'm sure our summer will bring plenty of time for that! Sounds like your boys are avid readers also!