Friday, March 09, 2012

Super Emotional

Ryan has been painting the trip in the basement. He is such a great honey do lister lol. I swear he will be a great homeowner taking so much pride in his sweat equity and a great husband. I watch him and think he is only 3 years old how can he be doing these things. WELL MAMA HE IS 16 and a half! LOL no longer while taking off doors to closets to make sure he gets the paint trim perfect he came across some photo albums and most of the night we have been looking through the photos! Well my heart beams with joy. It is a tad bitter-sweet b/c the years have just flown by and I swear looking at these pics it just happen. Really where did 20 years go? How fast it seems that we have had so many happy memories and beautiful pics to recall the times of our lives. The period must be coming b/c whoooaa Mrs. Raf is emotional tonight. LOL sniff sniff! I don't want to over kill on the pics but I want to post so many more. XO


Stephie Says..... said...

When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.