Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happiness CAN result from exercising HELLLL YA IT CAN!!!!!

"Exercising lowers the body's levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. Depending on your stress level, you may need to alter your workout accordingly. If you're more stressed, it might take a longer, more rigorous workout to burn off cortisol and walk away feeling relaxed and refreshed. You may have heard of endorphins. Exercise causes the pituitary gland to release these powerful, mood-boosting chemicals. As with cortisol, the release of endorphins from exercise varies depending on the person or situation." so get up and get moving....don't wallow in sorrow all the day away...MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT! Hey it can't hurt..AND walking is 100% FREE! Ya go outside and walk costs ya not a penny! well if you already have clothes to wear and some shoes and I am sure ya out you go. Have fun! and BE HAPPY!

seven more things!!!!!!!!!! : )