Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life is like....

A box of chocolates....SWEEEET!
Life is what YOU make of it. Make it a good good life. Enjoy the little things. Love with ALL your being. Give lots & lots but also don't get taken advantage of. Turn the other cheek,,,,,SMILE & show those pearly whites. Talk with your eyes not just your mouth and words. Never say things unless you mean it will all your heart and soul. Know and be thankful. Count those blessings and give HOPE, FAITH, & concern to the world. Please always know that you are loved by at least one person let alone many! So love back. Stop in it's tracks bad attitudes. Really people just be considerate. Hugs to you! Love Sunshine Stephie....Hey lets start the day with a deep breath of air to cleans the body and refresh the soul! Wake up HAPPY that you even woke up and are able to have another day here. :D