Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day 5 years ago!

I am sooo proud and blessed to be a "mom" of two awesome boys. They are both sooo differnt but the same in their own way. I could go on and on about them but I will speare you. lol Those of you who know them already know what I might say. I pride myslef on having a really great relationship with them and love them more than they will ever know. I would lay down my life for them and did not know this feeling until beconing a parent. Those of you who are parents are nodding in agreement as you read..I just know it! Well 5 years ago Mothers Day was bitter/sweet. "Paula" my mother decided to make a statement and pass away hours before Mothers Day. You are reading this saying WHAT! Yes I swear up and down it was her statement being made to have her 5th stroke right before the day we honor mothers.I also could not have gottrn through that time without my "other mother" Michaels mother, she made me feel inside loved and cared for since day one. I am writing this b/c You never know when it is going to be the last time you see or talk to someone sooooo always leave them on good terms and with a hug or something b/c u will also NEVER forget the last words you say to a person. Those of you who have moms or mother figures out there hug them a lil tighter this Mothers Day.....and always be aware everyday is a GIFT not a privlegde...
I find it most hard that NanaT can;t come out of the place she is now confined to b/c of her psyical and mental state. I looked forward to the times we would take her to resturants and places out of the home to celebrate things or just go for a Saturday trip to Winthrop. Just for her to see the places she would go back in the day. She loves to see us visit so we try really hard to see her every week. I love that lady to pieces b/c she had such a hugh hand in raising me and did a stellar job too. Love to all of you out there and to the women in your lives that MAKE A DIFFERNCE!