Monday, October 13, 2008

Our son # 1 AGAIN!

O... I have to brag....

For the second time, last year and this term this year Stephen scored/placed #1 in his electrical class.(mind you I had to hear this from his teacher and another parent who he is friends with)(he is a modest kid) Yahoo! smart kid of ours. What does this mean> well only the top 3 out of 15 can work in the electrical field outside of class. He gets to work with an electrician from near by Saugus.We were up at the crack of dawn to get him there by 6am, we here at the Rafs are early birds so that is not a problem. lol He makes really good money but the hours of apprenticeship he gets are far more valuable to obtain his licence as a Master Electrician. We are so proud of the love and devotion he has for the path he has chosen. He worked for 8 hours today. His timekeeper job never goes over 5 (child labor laws) and he sits for that so I am sure he is a bit worn. The stuff he did in a remodel today blew our minds. We are like WOW kido u r good. Kudos to our first born. Who would of ever back in the day our son was going to rewire remodel homes. Hey buddy our bathroom fan needs replacing too. LOL LOL family discount...lolGO Stephen....
btw.....his boss at the rink is so understanding that he will not be working too many hours now that he has an apprentice job and I am so greatful for that. He still gets his Friday hours.


Kristin said...

Wow, that is awesome! Big Daddy is a union eletrician if he ever has any questions or wants to talk electrical talk, Big Daddy is here for him! You must be very proud of him!!!

Stephie Says..... said...

I did not know Big Daddy do that too! GO BIG DADDY! he will talk with him when come Union Tiem. He really wants union.

Stephie Says..... said...

Thnaks for the advice/offer for help btw

Anonymous said...

Thats great!

Stephie Says..... said...

t/u Mel Nice to hear from u hope is all well with you and the clan. Hey how was the shower in NY?

Jennifer said...

stef i am so proud of your boy... good field and good money. i am so happy for him and so happy that he found someone to take him in under their wing. he better give you a family discount, lol lol

Dawn said...

Wow, that is fantastic! Way to go!! You must be so proud!

Michelle said...

Yay! You and your smart kids...geez! ;o)

Stephie Says..... said...

thanks M

He may be the smart one...NOT ME! lol

Hey we also got his progs report and all a/b's in academics.....did I spell that right? LOL