Monday, April 28, 2008


Food can really have a hold on a person, well I mean me. I am sure others will atest to this. I was not forturnate enough to get "skinny" genes. Not ever knowing my father I do know that he was an average to slender man. I did get to see him once when I was 19 when I was at an all time low for my weight. I still seemed heavier than he was. UGH! He did like women with some meat on their My mother was far from slender even when she was younger and I know his wife was a rather larger lady. Back to the point. I have my mothers genes in the psycial...nothing else (I pay my bills and don't steal and am not a basket case)another post all together.
I am trying sooo hard to make a pact with myself ONCE AGAIN to not let the food cravings control me. JUST SAY NO! I don;t want to be her (the mother) who had every possible problem under the sun. I want to live past 60 and not have 4 strokes, sleep apneia, diabetes, High BP, lungs like a smoke stack ( never did I ever try a cig in my life ewww, a wine problem...ect....I WILL NOT BE THAT....I am going to JUST SAY NO and make a change. It is not about a number to me it is about the health of it. At 37 I am healthy and don't have medical issues and DON'T WANT them to creep up on me. JUST SAY NO! I have to keep saying that..........I will not be in a funk and I will not look to food for comfort I will and am learing to find WHY my feeling are and not to mask them with FOOD> It will not be my drug.......JUST SAY NO!


Paige said...

You can do it Stephanie! I'm very fortunate to have my mother's genes; my father's family tends to put weight on all to easily and he is the only slender one of them all,but it's not without effort. Good for you for wanting to eat healthy and stay healthy! Regardless of your size though, we'll still love ya!

Dawn said...

Food has a lot of power of me too! But I know you can do it! Good for you for trying to keep health and keep us posted! You can do it!!

melissa said...

I'm with you, Steph, I'll be 37 this summer and realize that we have to do it now or never!
Trying to be healthier, eat right, etc. We all know the benefits!
Lets just do it!
Hmmm, I just need to get rid of those Starbucks truffles I bought this morning...

Stephie Says..... said...

Mel...thats u right! lol When I saw Melissa I was confused...Mel is more like it for
I know u love the Starbucks....I work right across the hall from it and resist it and am so proud I do b/c I could have the iced/frap drinks till I am blue in the face...but I try not to since I am trying so hard to be good and also the money...UGH so expensive.
Keep me updated on ur progress. I will post about mine. Hey u always looked really good in ur pics from ur old blog.

Stephie Says..... said...

Mel...thats u right! lol When I saw Melissa I was confused...Mel is more like it for
I know u love the Starbucks....I work right across the hall from it and resist it and am so proud I do b/c I could have the iced/frap drinks till I am blue in the face...but I try not to since I am trying so hard to be good and also the money...UGH so expensive.
Keep me updated on ur progress. I will post about mine. Hey u always looked really good in ur pics from ur old blog.