Tuesday, April 03, 2012

White House Make Over Visit on BL!

Michelle Obama loves BL! She also is a great advocate for health and wellness for children as well as adults. So this week BL contestants had makeover week AND get to go to the WH in DC and meet Mrs. O! A quote from Kim....(one I have said many times and also felt) "Now my outsides match my insides" as well as Buddy saying "The world is much more vibrant now that I am the ME I was meant to be" YES YES YES! Once again to make a difference in a LIFE CHANGE to RE-MAKE your self into a healthy vibrant being is just BLISS! I also love that Conda, a gal I have not really been behind much this season donated her long hair to "L of Love" NICE! You can say what you want about BL BUT OPPS THERE IT IS...while the nay sayers sit on the sofa veggin out with the badattudes BL IS KICKIN ARS and making lives and bringing awarness to BE A BETTER MORE HEALTHY U! it was only an hour tonight and next week we get to see the First Lady get a LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! GO Mrs. O'b!