Friday, October 09, 2009


We need food like fuel to function. I have realized that I reestablished this house not just me. Here WE NOW NEVER eat out of boardem. Even though the boys were never heavey I so know at times they ate stuff just to eat something and not b/c they were hungry. I so see a change in Ryan th emost but also in Stephen too. He is a tall buff kid and does indeed need a lot of calories to sustain his height and muscle mass don't get me wrong but in the past months I have seen the both of them including Michael eat so much less. I guess when good food is there for the taking better choices are made. I just needed to put out there that the change was not only for mine but the entire houses. I feel wonderful that I could be the one to incorporate such a great thing for them. Eat to live don't live to eat!


Dawn said...

that is definitely "food for thought"... way to go for you and your family!