Monday, August 10, 2009

Water Country...had some fun!

Luv this place......
We have not missed a year since we started dating in 1990. We went to out first official alone date there. I was happy to go on all the slides and fit more than ampally. Luved being with the nephews b/c it is like having lil ones again. Uncle Michael is so fun throwing them over and over just like when our guys were that age. Then Auntie is known to make them swim like dolphines and spin them around until we fall in the water and splash. That places does not seem as big at is was. It used to be a chore to walk from one end of the park to the next but NOT THIS TIME! My walkin legs took me back and forth many times without fail and I am still so excited to feel like I FIT! I took a double tak eof myself when I went in the restroom passing the mirror. I was like wow thats IS me. You still see yourself as you once were and it does take a bit of time to adjust and really believe what others see. It is still a work in progress. The journey goes on and on and never ends...


Kristin said...

That must of been an awesome feeling! We've yet to get to water country but I hope soon. Glad you had lots of energy and a blast with KNOW FEAR and the boys!!!!!