Saturday, July 18, 2009


This week my husband got word that a long time friend of his passed away. He has been sick for many years with cystic fibrosis and had a lung transplant about 5 years ago. Joe NEVER complained. He was a doll. Loved life and loved his nieces and nephew. Summers long ago we would walk Hampton Beach with "the crowd" of Michael's hs/college smart friends. A scientist an engineer, the money men bankers/accounting majors and Joe the do all for others guy. At one time he was a mechanic but his lung issue put an end to that. He would drive with his dad in the big box truck to keep him company on his delivery route all over Boston. He knew Boston like the back of his hand. We had good times those summer about 20 years ago. He loved my jello mold. I would make it for backward BBQs at their old place on the conor of St. Andrews and St. Edwards Rd. I hate jello but the mold thing just had to be bought and the fancy fruit made it look look nice. I think he was the only nice guy that would eat it. Joe lived a life of family and friend filled days. The disease he had is known to take lives rather young. To us he is a young 46. So many others do not live past 20 with that disease. So to Joe Tirrusa to you up in Heaven, you have always been an Earth Angel now you are in Peace with our Maker. xoxoxo Love you friend Michaeles wife. he always called Michael Michaele'