~Want to wish you all a safe, healthy and happy 2008........God Bless and your friendships are held close to my heart~
Sunday, December 30, 2007
~Happy New Year~
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:54 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christ the Savior is Born........
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year.......My love and friendship goes out to all.
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:12 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Long time no post....
Hello and a how are you? It has been really hectic here and really not much time to look or post on the computer. Hope to find you all well. Stephen was really sick last weekend and we were at ER, he is so much better now. Ryan is good and did not catch anything, we are happy about that. Nana T is hanging on, no better no worse. It is the weekend to put up the Christmas decorations. We are doing it in two days b/c the day was so hectic today. Not much more to talk about except the hurried days of the Rafs.......Blessings and Friendship......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:25 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving to all.....
I want to wish you and all of yours a Blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time and memories together......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
~My Dearest Nana T~
All of you who have read my posts in the past know that Nana T...Theresa, was the "Mom" in my life. She brought me up with all her love and kindness. Slowly, during the past 5 -6 years the decline in her has been heart breaking. I feel I lost the NANA T we knew and loved to an aweful dementia/alsimers disease. She back about 3 weeks ago really started to look bad and was more and more out of it. I left there one Sunday in a full blown sob fest that when I called M I was at a hyperventalating state and had to pull the car over, in the projects b/c I could no longer see from the sobs.....I was glad I was without the boys b/c I know that would totally alarm them. Even in the past I leave there with a heavy heart sad by the fact that she is not totally with us mentally and physically will not do well either. With the holidays coming it pains me to know that she can no longer leave the home to be with us. The last time she came was on her 85th Birthday not 1/07 but 1/06. She has her "gwanda bella" bear from that day. It means how much pretty in Italian. She says pesha sotha...I won't tell ya what that means...lol
She does tell me when I ask her about the bear that sits on her nightstand near her now hospital style bed.Her old one was a regular one now she needs the medical type one. I tought of her all weekend long during our busy running around weekend. I said many times I wish I could go see her ect...We were so swamped this weekend..It is not a short ride but still....I get a call yesterday morn, not the name I want to see on the caller id.....I think in a 10 sec. time it may be about the bill. I amswer and get the worst news I could ever get....NANA T was brought back by the defibulators....Heart goes south...Hyperventalation starts......I can't even get words out.....The nurse tells me when she is stable they will transport her to the hospital ect......OK so she died and she came back? What are you telling me.????
I am not her health care proxy her son is and they could only tell me so much. They need to talk to him...Long long story short...I get intouch with his wife ...blah blah ect ect......So I got a call at 300pm yesterday with a little bit of an update....Her BP went so high heart stopped...Toxins in the blood sent BP that high.....UTI needs to be treated b/c old people can die from that. She has not eaten or drank for a week know. The past 6 mnths she really has not eaten. She is so frail and weak. My heart breaks knowing that I am gonna losse this wonderful mother. I know the day would come and know I will be a basket case. So I talk to my aunt (who is crazy mind you, everyone knows this) she is like this should be easy your mother passed away already you can deal ....AHHHH no ....I can't even put into words the Nana T connection. She knows Paula was not the mother that people dream of...I get it yes she bear me .....but a wonderful caring inconditional loving person RAISED me and that is NANA T! Knowing that she was at deaths door puts me in the sadest state and I can't even tell people the story without wellin gup with tears. It is hard as all hell to even type this. I get it she lives a full healthy for the most part life..We are blessed with that.......I am thankful for the person God put there to help mold me ........I LOVE THIS WOMEN and can't come to accept her passing could be soon. When I am in my own head I hear her voice saying "My Stephie Baby"....or when I was 12 in the department store with Normie "Stephie what is your bra size since you no longer fit into the training ones" ...Yup...thats Nana T......I recall the year I was pregnant with Stephen it was Christmas time and I needed to pick a gift up for Normie and Nana T drove me to the Mall in Saugus. Peabody was too far and the Saugus mall was brand spakin gnew as she said......We got Norma a rice/veggie steamer b/c she was vegistarian for a few years.....She told the cashier how I could not drive b/c of the baby and my best freind did not eat meat and I am her grandaughter and how she is my mother really and how I have a nioce husband. We went to Friendlys after and she told the waiter stuff. Then I was like NANA.....They don;t care....Now I know being a mom just how proud you are to tell anyone who will listen about your pride and joys......I miss her even though she is still on the Earth she is not Nana T like she used to be and I have to come to know she will be in a better place and be with her "Darling Stevie" with the sky blue eyes......Love you Nana and Papa........Love Your "STEPHIE BABY"
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:23 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Big 4-OH ...................40!
This Thursday Michael will turn the BIG 4-0h.......
Forty years ago he came into this world on Thanksgiving as a mini turkey weighing over 10 lbs...(all the Raftery boys were 10 and over, poor little MIL .....She is about 5'1" and never weighed more than 110 back in the day, she had whoppers)
Tonight I am taking the family to Burtuccis (Michaels favorite) for a birthday dinner. He needed a new watch so we are all contributing to it. Cool watch it works on your body movment and never needs a battery. Fosil has long been the "cool watch" company.
He is out raking leaves while I bake the cake. We could not keep it from him. He is so not one for surprises. Neither am I , I HATE being surprised. Thanks goodness for Normie she let me in on the little secret of my baby shower....SHHHH nobody knows that to this day...LOL I did a good surprised looked. hehehehhe Well I did over hear Nonie (Michaels grandmother) slip when I was around the corner in another room, but they all taght I didi not hear...At that point I had already known from Normie being the awesome friend who knows me too well. So back to tonight....MIL wanted a big cousin/aunt/uncle/friend fest but I told her over and over HE DOES NOT WANT IT! He made it clear to me he is not his older brother who LOVES the attention....He is quiet laidback Michael who is on slow motion that does not like big deals made of him. SO I am going to honor his wishes......The cake is baking and the buttercream setting, gifts are all wraped. I sent him to the store to get eggs and butter this morn so we scrambeld while he was out. Ry made him a card from the computer and put some really sweet words on it....It came from the heart.....Stephen having a job and money now had me take him to Bobs Store yesterday with his own money to buy him something from RY an dhim...I told him Daddy expects nothing of that nature....A card will do but he insisted....Funny he picked out a new belt b/c he heard us talking one morning saying he needed one and a really funky tie.......with geometric shapes....SO NOT MICHAEL ....but I am sure he will wear it with pride.....
To mu best friend, heaven sent forever love.....Happy 40th Birthday....You get more handsome with age and grow wiser by the years.......xoxoxoxo Love Your Jelly Bean, Stephanie
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:50 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This stuff makes you well~you got to try it!
Well Ryan and I are not feeling too well. Ry got sick on Sunday night and I think I caught it late Monday early Tuesday morn. He gets it really bad b/c of his asthma. I have been dosing mine and his a bit with the Bosa Nova Juice. This stuff is from the Brazilian Rainforest and is known as the mist powerful berry for antioxs around. Norma got me a really expensive brand a few months ago and I cherished it b/c I know just how powerful it is. Before school yesterday Ry and I went to the store to buy some since we were sick. He said HOW MUCH IS THAT? Like his dad! lol They are 2 for $5.00 Yes I know $2.50 for a maybe 10 oz bottel is over the top but I drink half and then delute the rest with water. I swear by it. I think it speeds recovery time. I also had a bucket of lemons last night...LOL Really it was almost a bucket full. My sisters in law, mother in law and "ex brother in law" went out to dinner last night to celbrate his 40 bithday......We were a few months late and started the planning in August but hey we still got to go. I had reservations on going b/c my taste buds were tainted, but I did taste everything fine. The food was really good. It was a little hole in the wall Itailan place in East Boston....My old stomping ground...Well it was far from Orient Heights but in EB> The area has really gone to hell. So sad when it becomes scary.....They went back to MILs for desert but I had to p/u an inhailer and needed to get some steam in my lungs. It did help I felt a little better after the hot shower. My night went aweful with chocking every hour ect. Hey what can ya do. It was really nice seeing John F and so weird to think he is in the 40 club...LOL Michael will be there on Turkey Day......Yup thats will be another post in itsself......Have a great hump day and really pick some Bosa Nova Acai Jusce up..>It is sooooo good for you!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:39 AM 8 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Baby Shower Cake.....
Here is a pic of the latest cake......you can not see the entire cake but here is the jist of it......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 1:13 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
How appropriate..........
You Are Italian Food |
Comforting yet overwhelming. People love you, but sometimes you're just too much. |
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Going nuts with the food surveys......
You Are a Gingerbread House |
A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you. |
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:43 PM 0 comments
You Are a Hot Fudge Sundae |
Classic, simple, and divine. Why mess with perfection? |
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:39 PM 0 comments
You Are a Brownie |
Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted. Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are. |
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:37 PM 0 comments
I love baking cookies and other stuff too.....
You Are a Chocolate Chip Cookie |
Traditional and conservative, most people find you comforting. You're friendly and easy to get to know. This makes you very popular - without even trying! |
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Pam and I did yet another cake.....
Sunday is the baby shower for a co-worker of ours that used to work at Northshore but has since gone to Burlington. We did the cake late last night and it came out really cute. Pam forgot her camara. We did a double layer 1/2 sheet cake with the chocolate amoretto mouse filling, butter cream frosting...no fondant thank you very much....Pam freehanded the napkin that is being used at the shower. It came out so nice....looks just like the pic on the napkin. A pregnant modern looking gal with an umbrella, the colors were light green/pink and black..Really modern feel to the cake....Once again another nice one......I love doing this with her, Miss Perfection. LOL
Really I don;t mind her perfectionist attitude because I too try to be that in other aspects of life so I can not fault a person when I too do the same thing. We have a great time atleast I think we do>>>LOL RIGHT? I really wish we could do this for a living all day every day......In the cute little town of Middleton, in the store front that is empty near Stephens HS. He could walk to work after school and help out in the kitchen...NOT! lol I could never pay him the $11.00 p/h that he make now..HEHHEHE .........Someday, you never know, I am still young and have kids who are now older so it very well could happen. Someday .........in a far off time ........I can't wait to eat a piece at the shower tommorow.....
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:11 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
A gift from the heart.....Normies heart....
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:18 AM 7 comments
I HAD to put the heat on.....
I guess I loose........The heat HAD to go on this morn. The outside temp read 29....OK the inside temp read 61. I just got it up to 64 and turned it back off..,,,,,,,,It still feels cool but not so cold you can see your breath. Any others turn theirs on yet? I am leaving it off when I go to work but I am sure tonight with the eve temps expected to be 32 I will get it back on....Stay warm .....get out those sweaters and blankets......Have a nice day ..............Or try......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:20 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Got the GOLD!

We won all five games and two of them were shut outs.......Yeah baby! Our last year in Lake Placid and we went out with a bang....Awesome team work all around....Stephen got the most assists in his division......GO MASCO!
boy was it freeeezzzinggg there.......at 11 am it was 31*....Yikes.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:35 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The last year for Lake Placid.....
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:21 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Red Sox Fan....
They did it again.......YEAH BABY! Ok last night I needed to go to bed...Michael stayed up to watch but at a certain point he to needed to sleep also ...When he came in and I rolled over to ask the score was 6-5...YIKES....When I turned off the TV it was 6-0.....I got a little worried that they got 5 runs....Well NO NEED TO FREET! 10-5 BABY!......Today I am doing a b-day party at the workshop and was going to be a witch (dress up for hallown) but NOOOOO I decided to be a SOX FAN! Dressing in my SOX gear.....hat and really cute camp type shirt with a T under it worn open and I may even bring my Sox water bottle...lol Yeah need to stay hydrated at the bear barn...the fluff/stuffing really dries the air out...LOL ............
One more to go BABY! AND BAM we WIN THE WORLD CHAPMS>......Luv that dirty water, yeah Boston your my home!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:18 AM 4 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Stephies Sweets
Heres one for Normie....First...on the STEPHIES part is there an apostrophe?
Second it is soooooooo cold all of a sudden......
3rd I ma taking an arm rest from mixing and mixing my 4 batches of fudge.
I spoke with the man from the hockey rink that has a food ct there and on Tuesday I am bringing my handywork for him to sample and then sell......I have 3 kinds at this point ....reg milk choco then one with almounds and Smores......mini mash mellows w/ crushed golden grams
I may do the Mint/choc one with crushed mint oreos....so maybe just maybe I will HAVE to make more an dmore and make some cash from this hobby I LOVE to do.....
I was hot as blazes then sat down to type and got really cold....BURRR I guess I will go back to fudge making...I am still gonna be making som eon Sunday unrealted reasons....lol
Have a great day.............STAY WARM AND SMELL THE CHOCOLATE! lol
also I said yes to the offer at the bear barn to be promoted to p/t mgr......lots to do here I just hope my head does not spin and do 180's or 360's......lol
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
All the way BABY!
ALL THE WAY ...............................
They are going tobe the sweet World Champs
Oh baby........Lets see, if they could come back with the 3 then .....They should be able to kick Rockies butt......lol GO SOX!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:38 AM 6 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
~The Best Cheesecake in the World~
I have been to the Cheesecake Factory 3 times ever. Once with my husbands co-workers, it was girls night out and I was gracusly asked to go, how sweet, once with my close friend JoAnn to celebrate both of our birthdays, our gift to eachother and last, with Michael and the boys, for our aniversary dinner in April. Since this place is such an indulgence it is not like the 99 Family affordable place so it is saved for special occations. WELL! One just opened up a stones throw from the bear barn and I WANT TO GO! Heres the thing I was working last Tuesday and had the chance if I were not working ot go and eat a FREE meal there before it opened. My Asst. Mgr. Amy went with her lil cutie daughter and cousin and got $63.00 work of food for FREE! I jus tgot off the phone with my friend Sue who just came from there with her mom and sister. She DID NOT HAVE A PIECE OF CHEESECAKE! WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I said what is the use to go there if you are not getting some of the greatest CHEESECAKE EVA? First, miight I add one piece of there ever most mouth watering sweet creation has @ a days worth of calories.....Yes about 2400 to be exact...Yikes....So when JoAnn and I went and the girls from Michaels work we got a salad to share with an appitizer THEN the greatest piece of cc you will ever have. When I went with M and the boys the boys shared a piece and m and I did b/c we got meals.....IT WAS NOT CHEEP ......I sit and ponder about this ...I have been so good latley, being aware what goes in my body. Since school started I have had so much healthy foods and no bad things and want to "stay" good. My friend Jane said buy a piece divide it into fours then freeze em tak eem out every month...AHHH NO JANE not an option...LOL IF I AM GONNA GET A CCF dessert I AM GONNA EAT AND LOVE THE ENTIRE CONFECTION! END OF STORY! it is all or nothing with this ....and did you see just how much real whipped cream they give you on this thing? OHHHH drooooolllling just thinkin of it.....Amy the pregnant gal from work who go tthe free meal went back the day they opened and bought two more pieces for her and her husband to enjoy that night....OHHHH I can dream on cheesecake. lol Funny an entire cc is like $50........Sounds really expensive but if I got 4 pieces for m me and the boys it would cost us @$32.00 heres the thing who decides on the flavor...They have about 30 to pick from and we will NEVER agree on the same one....It was hard enough that lovely night in April when M and I could NOT make a choice that we would both want....I suggested we get our own and he said he could NEVER eat an entire piece himself...WELL I CAN! lol Have sweet CHEESECAKE HOMEMADE WHIPPED CREAM DREAMS>.......AHHH SO GOOD!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 3:24 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Jon and Kate plus eight......
I had Stephen DVR this seasons opener of Jon and Kate plus eight.....As you already know Reality TV rules in my book so once again a great show I watched last season and will continue to follow. I still have to watch the season opener of Little People Big World, also DVRed. Love that show too. I must say noone has any right to complain about taking care of kids unless you are this women. Two six year olds and six two year olds.....OH MY! Well the kids now turned 3.....I love Kate she is so OCD & organized I LOVE her.....She can get overwhelmed when things are dirty and I can so relate to that. I enjoy how this couple operates. Like they say on the show, "we may llok like we on eachothers backs and being mean but this is how we get things done" ////Funny one time last year at the toy store she was just like I told you blah blah blah...I tought that was gonna lead to papers being filed by Jon but htat is fine with them it is just how their relationship gets by.........God Bless them b/c they just have a really really full plate......Watch.....You just might love them...I do!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:08 AM 6 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sox vs Indians
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:29 AM 7 comments
Monday, October 08, 2007
I forgot to mention.....
RED SOX! Yeah for the Sox......Just hope that Cleavland wins so we DON'T have to play the STINKY YANKS>>>>>> Yes I watched or I should say listened to the boys watch. I was interested b/c I am a Sox fan from afar......Ryan wore his Sox clothes this entire weekend. He loves SOX gear. I need to get pics of it and him or just the deck alone. You all know I am NOT good with that. To the Yanks...........please loose and to the Indians WIN WIN WIN ! Soxs are awesome atleast for now.....lol Don't break our hearts guys.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:09 PM 2 comments
From 85 to 55....well maybe 60
Oh my goodness....was it not summer like then BAM! 60*.......how can it be that Friday and Sat it was shorts and sandel weather then over night like a blink of an eye jeans, sneakers and long sleaves. New England.........thats what it is all about. Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend if you got one. Have a great week........Stay warm......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What a day......is it gonna stay?
My was it a day today...It reminded me of the summer when I got out of work at 2:30. Going to p/u the boys at school then off to practice I drove with the windows down despite all the rolled up ones I saw. I am sure they had the a/c cranked. We did not.....plus after practice there was no way I could keep the windows up with a 14 year old who just got off the ice...P U ! lol SO we got home to see our new 16X14 (seamless/no nail showing/NEVER stain/no maintance top O' the line material, it is a rich mohogany floor/stairs with white risers with really pretty white posts and rails with the most beautiful caps and bases on the rails I have ever seen) deck almost all done that we could use it tonight for dinner. We have the folding chairs and table out there until we get a set. It was so nice to be outside eating. Then we went back into the house and the a/c kicked in despite us putting it on..We have it on auto and the temp set so it got way warmer than the temp. SO I closed the windows so we can cool off fthe house for sleeping tonight. It won;t stay on long due to Mr. Frugal himself...lol Hey he can't be THAT frugal with the cash he is dishing out for this deck..our basement and this deck were about the same price....yikes a full basement remodel and a deck costing close to eachother...nuts.........lol so for sure now I will win the Drew challenge for NOT turning on the heat....LOL LOL I hope you all enjoyed your "summer" day....I know I did at the point when I got to go outside. Now off to bake a wedding cake. Pam from work and I are baking a 4 teir wedding cake that has 8 cakes they have chocolate cream inbetween with yummy buttercream icing BUT the bride wants us to do FONDANT and it is not easy to work with ...but with Pams creativity and my baking skills we will get this baby doen...I WILL post the cake on Sunday to show our handy work. Also we are making fliers to hand out with the picture nad telling how we make b-day/anniversary ect cakes.....Hey this could be the start of something YUMMY,.....I do NEED to do it with her and not alone...>She is great when it comes to creativity.....Maybe being an ART major helped her with that....LOL Blessings and sweet dreams all........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:41 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Today is beautiful......
I am admiering the beauty today is bringing. It could not be any nicer out. We are awaiting company. We have not visited in a long time and I have been longing to be with them. I am done with all of the cooking, the stuff I enjoy to do for others. Lokking forward to sharing good times with them and long awaited hugs. I am sure the girls will love the costumes I got for their bears, Little Mermaids and Arura aka Sleeping Beauty. I got little ghoast bags for the bears to hold on Halloween. V and E will match the bears this year. I have always wanted a bear to match the child. lol .......So I am going to head out front to keep watch for the clan......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 12:18 PM 8 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Parents Night
Last night Michael and I had to go to Stephens school for a "meet and greet" night for the freshman teachers. After a long day at the workshop, trying to get dinner ready, my class then this,,,,,I still can't stop going on and on about how much I love this place. It was worth the trip...It may not be the 13 mil $ Masco building that he would of been in but like Michael and I were saying on the short, very short ride home last night, it is what is inside the building that counts not the high tech building itself. Not that Masco doesn't have its plusses ...There is something about the small class sizes and dedication these people have for the students..Not one person there works b/c they have to. They make it seem like they are so happy to be there and have a desire to love what they do. I love his History teacher and I don't even LIKE History. lol .Science was a little on the boaring side for me..lol He needed to kick it up a notch.lol...His Honors English teacher is well liked by the students but the funny thing is she reminds me of an Ogar of a teacher that was at my HS, Miss Goldberg. I was taken back at how the simialarities of the two were. As she spoke I saw why the kids like her so much. Nothing like meany Goldberg...lol I did not even have this "honors" teacher but just to pass her in the halls....Anita just gave you the creeps.....Right Normie.....lol well then again you got on her good side with your brains....lol So as we moved about in a fashion of complete lostness..not too bad..lol We mirrored his day with 8 min classes. Like other schools this place by no means makess the student run from one end of the building to the next. We walked from room to room with in the corridore that the classes were. Only at one time during the night did we have an upstairs class........So I can tell why Stephen is happy when I get him at the end of the day. I can also tell why some upper classmans parents had only wonderful things to say about the place. I am proud to say my son is a student at the North Shore Voc. Tech. H.S..........
Now next week we get to attend Ryans OH....Yeah we get to see my favorite :P principal Mrs. Fitzy.......ohhhh help me now....lol She is a trip, and not one you long to take if you catch my drift.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 6:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Our son has a job......
You know your chidren are getting old when.......
One makes $11.00 per hour (HELLO) at his first (non-under the table) job. This summer he did landscaping for cash but was not officially employed. Tonight was his first night as an official tax deductiong person of America living the American dream. He is timekeeper for the hockey games at the 3 rinks near by. When I say near by I mean at the most 10 miles away. Some are closer. I think it is really good cash to keep trck of the time. I know you do have to know the game of hockey b/c you log penalties and other things. You have to know the signs for calls ect. I would gladly take the job ...lol IF I knew hockey that well....I should by now with all the watching I have done. Some other moms say I am really good at telling them what is going on during the game...HAH...It is b/c maybe you NEVER go to see your son play and I am faithfully there to watch and manage. LOL As we filled the working papers from the State and tax forms it brought back memories of the summer of '85 getting out of 8th grade and getting a ride from Nana T to the supermarket that she shopped at to fill out my applct. to be a bagger. I was moved up to cashier pretty fast then to the PRODUCE .......lol I can not even fatham that Stephen is old enough and resposible enough to go to a job. I have to keep reminding myself, we did well and tought him how to be a dependable kid and one who takes pride in what he does. It is still mindblowing I have a child old enough to get "working papers". The lady Linda from the previous post told me 12 years ago at a EBSB Christmas party, "the time flies you'll see" that was when her kids were about 14. My how time flies.......Cherish your time and loved ones.....Money does not matter in this life, health, faith, love, family and friends do. Without those you have nothing. Peace, love and Gods blessings to all..........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:10 PM 7 comments
7 Months till retirement and then no more.....so sad...
As I have stated before my husband has been at his job for 20 plus years. He started as a teller in 12th grade then stayed there for his co-op for Northeastern. From that they hired him for a fulltime position in accounting...He has since made his way up the ladder with one dissapointment about 11 years ago, got over the pass up on that job and now is the Vice Pres of Operations. He has only two people over him, Exct. VP and CEO, He has always had some of the nicest bosses. His last position his boss for about 13 years took Michaels job when he got promoted. George was about 3 years close to retirement and really wanted to cool down his work pace. It was kind of a lateral move for him but it was not as responsibe as his last job was. Michael loved his last position b/c it mean only dealing with compliance of rules and regs. Very few interaction with people directly just STUFF......Michael is a laidback quiet man and it was just fine to stay in his office all day read the new rules and make sure stuff complied. (In my mind that must have been as boring as all hell) With his promotion, he was asked to take this on, did not have intentions of moving up.when asked I guess you say yes....., he has alot of differnt kinds of people to deal with and so many differnt aspects of the bank. I think it was a good move , with more $ comes more work but hey isn't that why he went for his Banking Masters anyway? SO this George man, I at first, was a little scared of him b/c he was "boss man" and had a dry I can't get him, scence of humor. As the years pasted, phone calls and bank events took place I really warmed up to him and loved his wife Linda the times we sat together at functions ect. March 08 would be time for Goerge to move on and retire early b/c he too was at the bank since creation. On his 62nd b-day he would be at full retirment benefits and was looking forward to travel, on land, Linda was not a flyer. In June Michael came home and said George fainted in work and was rushed to the hospital. Thinking he had a heartattack he was kept overnight at the hospital for tests. A man who had not been to the doctors for about 20 so odd years was then poked and probed and tested, the outcome was bad. He was told he has a really bad case of cancer and they can not tell what the outcome may be even with treatment. Being George he opted not to live his last days in hospitals but did go on a trip to Conn. with Linda. He was getting weaker as the months passed and Michael went to see him twice. He was not to keen on visitors unless it were his "kids"Michael and a girl Diane, from the bank that he was in charge of way back when. His wife is supper dependant on him, she never drove and her work was limited to the library at the kids school back when they were in school. They just had their first grandchild about 8 months ago and were so excited to have the next chapter of thier lives. Friday night when M came in from work he told me George had to go the hospital b/c the pain was just to bad. I could tell by this news it was not going to be good. When we got in from hockey yesterday there was a messg on our machine to call one of his 3 sons and I could just see the blood rush out of M's face. I just knew it was the end for George. Michael made several calls to other people at the bank to give the aweful news of Georges passing. It stinks to loose someone at any age. It just seems so weird that I lost my Papa when he was 60 and George too is maybe 2 years older than that.They said all those years ago when I was 9 he died so young, to a nine year old 60 was OLD now I say woah not so old after all... SO sad ........Michael and I keep thinking of Linda, who does not drive knows only of her and George and her 3 boys that are really far from where Linda lives. I hope she gets through this time with the peace of knowing he is out of pain now and has gone to a better place. Please keep in your prayers the strenght she needs to now go on even though George is not here.
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:13 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
It's Back : (
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:06 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Paper work up to my eyeballs......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:30 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Never Forget........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
To make this worse....
Poor Stephen who is masivly allergic to poison ivy has it ALL OVER HIS FEET....Yes I said feet....Well! I don;t know how he skated at hockey practice 3 days in a row. He said it feels better when they are in the skates b/c it tightens it up....? I don;t know...He can bearly walk and we got a script from my borther in law for 2.5% Hydro cream. I hope it gets better b/c it looks like it hurts so bad........I wish I could take the pain from him. You know when your kids hurt I think it hurts you more that they have to be in pain.......I hope this kid who is a trooper and so good about it gets better fast......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 3:22 PM 8 comments
Sunday, September 02, 2007
A week of way too many things......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:05 AM 9 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
First day of High School!
HS.....4 years that fly by....atleast that is what they say...
I am now the mother of a high schooler....At the young age of 36...Yes I will have an 18 year old when I am 40......Young Mamas ROCK! lol lol lol.....
It was really weird to bring my "baby" to high school. Yesterday I think I held up really well at drop off. I have been coughing AGAIN so I am frustrated at that so my focus was not of tears, it was keeping from a full fledge cough attack. When I picked him up I felt sad knowing that this is a place he knows few people and has to start all over again like in Kindergarten. I know he is a really confident kid and will have no problem but a mother can't help but still be a mother. Only a parent can know what I mean. No matter what the problem may be, as tiny as a grain of sand or as large as a rock a mom has to be MOM! I recall my HS days back in the mid/ late 80's and I can truly say there were awesome onesGO PJH!, Flew by, but I was ok with moving on to the next chapter. The last day of 8th grade at graduation was a differnt story. I cried and sobbed like a baby. Going to a small Catholic school with the same 20 or so kids from 1-8 you could not help but miss the "family" type setting. I even remember some of the boys getting chocked up(Not Normas brother) lol. I know Stephen was more than THRILLED to move on from his Jr High to the place he is choosing to go. I give him credit for taking the blind leap to a place that is unfimilar and diving in with a really positive outlook. Hey he even made Honors English class when he took his placement test back in May. He gets that from me......LOL LOL Ok so he doesn't lol lol I wish him well and 4 years of growth and many happy memories.....
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:54 AM 7 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
More from Marblehead.....
Stephen and his friend Matt climbing the rocks and making me stress out.......lol
Every time we have Matt he gets some kind of injury. He is an accident prone kid even when he is with his own family. We still have him until after dinner tonight so lets hope he stays safe and in tact........they are golfing now (cross ur fingers) and want to BMX bike later. Yikes...I think it is way to hot to be biking....... We took Rys binouculars (sp) and could see if people were on the sailboats.....you could even see the houses across the way.......They were so nice.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:41 AM 4 comments
Friday Night in Marblehead.....
I may not like to sit on the beach but I do love going there for a picnic and seeing Gods beautiful creation. The sunset was amazing and the brezze was wonderful. The kids love climbing on the rocks and I even went down hlaf way with Michael. In my younger days of scaling rock walls on dagerous places with out adults, I have come to realize becareful and head warning........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:24 AM 4 comments