We won all five games and two of them were shut outs.......Yeah baby! Our last year in Lake Placid and we went out with a bang....Awesome team work all around....Stephen got the most assists in his division......GO MASCO!
boy was it freeeezzzinggg there.......at 11 am it was 31*....Yikes.......
Stephen is the tall one in the back with the high up #one finger...lol ...
Hey Drew the second coach in from the left is the Ex Red Sox player John Tudor...he is our headcoach...He is a hard A** but gets the job done..lol
That's amazing!!!
John Tudor was one of my least favorite pitchers back in 1985. He pitched for St. Louis that year and won 21 games and helped eliminate the Mets. So now he's a Hockey coach How cool is that??!
Oh so you know of him!
He now co/owns a baseball team in Austrialia (sp) he travels there ever so often and comintates sometimes for baseball.....Am I correct though he did play for the Red Sox or no?
Yes he has a coaching attitude, push push push some more..the guy next to him is his yang...John in Ying and Doc is Yang lol That guy was a sports medicine trainer/doctor for St.A's college...He now has a few FT's do they have them in NY? It is Fitness Together...the type of gym that you make an appointment and go one on one too? Stephie
Congratulations! What a great photo! I especially liked it in the home e-mail cuz it was bigger.. just the expressions on those kids faces... PRICELESS!
Thanks Guys,,,and to have done it on the 80 Rink....wow...History was made there.....
Thanks Guys,,,and to have done it on the 80 Rink....wow...History was made there.....
Yeah Stephie. Tudor started out with Boston from 78 (or 9) to 83. Your memory serves you well!
AWESOME!!!!! What a great feeling!
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