Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Back : (

I KID YOU NOT! Stephen comes to me this morn to show me that his feet are so close to being healed. Just a few scabs left....Then he shows me his HANDS......WHAT IS THE Problem...... I am like not again....I have that sick feeling...I can't believe this. He has not been outside except for school not playing in the woods.......I am goonnnnaaa scream....He has to work this weekend, golf and play in a hockey game. I just hope they don't blow up like the feet did....He is timekeeper at the younger kids games, $10. an hour to push the buttons on the time clock, not a bad gig hey......for a 14 year old.....

So have a great weekend all, just hope I am not in ER or spending lots of cash on this stuff, we still have the meds from last weekend......


Dawn said...

Oh no! I hope you can keep it contained until it heals, can you wrap in in gauze or something so it can still breathe but maybe not spread?

Karen said...

Oh no.. poor guy... It is because he touched his feet?

Andy said...

Ugh! poison ivy SUCKS! I had a bush of it in my back yard when I was a kid in Mass. - my brother used to LOOK at it and catch it! I NEVER got it until I moved down to NC - there was a bunch of it in my back yard and I got it TWICE in the space of a couple of years. It gets in your clothes and if you don't wash them the oils stay around and you can get it again! I hate that stuff...

Want to see something hilarious? Check out the picture of this guy:

That had to hurt!!