Monday, June 05, 2006

Yet another concert......

Son #2 had a very very long and hot concert this eve. Yes another concert just a differnt child. Same locatation differnt songs and kids. The 4th graders had to wait so very long in their seats till at least an hour and 35 mins into this eve of song and band. Boy was it great. yeah that is what you say to your child at the end and you like all the other parents have that same look in your eye. We had the pleasure to sit with 3 very funny and nice families that we have got to know in the past almost 9 years here. We all have 7th and 4 graders so we get to go to "all" these lovely things together. One of the dads has a great scence of humor alot like mine (Norma hears all about Mr. F from the hockey rink times we share). He had us in gut belly laughs and at one point we got the evil eye from the PRINCIPAL who might I say looked lovely in her Green Dress that she wears at EVERY event that we have attened for the past 5 years. She is a highly paid person b/c her salary is posted in the local paper every year (public tax payers money) so it is just an on going joke we have at most events from our oldest childern to our youngest. At one point we all looked over at her and her Elton John husband and she was fast asleep towards the end of the concernt....See even she wanted to be some place other than there. Our friend Mr. F was humming the tune to Rocket Man and we all "got it" as we feed into his humor and laughed, his wife pleads that we don't encourage him. We can not help it, his humor is great. It is like being back in school yourself and getting into trouble when you just can not control yourself. The 50/50 drawing went well. I would of had liked to win. I prominsed the 3 other familes a dinner of meatballs and "gravy" with homemade ravioliies (sp)........But I did not win. A nice family who NEEDS it I mean NEEDS it won.........They lost everything in the recent flooding here in Massachusetts. They were on the news and a house blew up next door to them and damaged ther house also .....So I am sure $300.00 is not enough to fix things but make a little better. SO good for them and I am sure that pasta dinner will get made for the 4th of July parade that goes by our house on June 24th lol lol yes it is the "4TH" of July parade on June 24th.......come on we are in the BOONIES what do you expect...........