Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The official first day of summer...is tom.

It is very nice to say it is not winter. I love the fact that the snow is no where in site. I must say though in New England we are not fortuate to experience a really nice spring like many years ago. It has ALWAYS been my ever most favorite season. I choose to marry in spring for the reason of loving April and May mostly April....It has such a pretty ring to the sound of the word too....April.....growing up there was a girl with that name and I did think it was weird that she was named after a month. I never liked the sweet sounding word as a girls name but loved the fact of flowers blooming and the sweet smells of spring. So as summer comes tom. @ 826am I do wish we could say it is springtime...We go from 45* to 92* in a matter of hours and could only hope that in springs to come we can have a gradual increse of 40/50/60/70/80/then the ever humid 90's/////So to all you summer lovers out there...."Summer lovin' have you a blast"!!!!


Karen said...

Summer lovin,, happened so fast...

I love summer!!!! I love the food, the minimal amount of clothes you have to wear, the simple fact of not being COLD (I'm always cold) and the freedom and fun that comes with it. Sorry Spring has Sprung and was just a great big rainstorm, but hopefully next year we will have a nicer, more even temperatured spring for Stephie...

but for me.. baseball, ice cream, apple pie and lemonade! Bring on the HEAT!

Stephie Says..... said...

yes Karen ,,,,,I do agree the food/freedom and clothes are great but I WANTED SPRING>>>>lol lol
By the way Normie and Jim have the BEST BBQ'S ever..........

Norma said...

I have to say, our BBQs do kick some serious ass! And summer rules! The air smells awesome (think of the jet fuel hanging over Barnes Ave. on those warm evenings playing hide & seek...), you get a nice tan (takes off 5 - 10 lbs. instantly), there is no SHOVELING, being lazy is totally acceptable. Yes, the bugs suck, and sometimes the heat gets a little overwhelming, but that's why we have fans, pools, and the ocean breeze. Buy a freakin' grill, willya, and you will be a convert to LOVING the SUMMER! : )

Karen said...

Plus, Norma has the new "Italian Collection CD" for her next summer BBQ.. life can't get any better than that :)

Stephie Says..... said...

Oh Karen I agree....bbq + CD= Fun
OH AJB how I long to live down south where the cold days of winter hit a balmy 61* and the hot of summer sizzle at the 100 point...Lucky lucky southener!!!!
(((((((I HATE WINTER))))))))))))

Karen said...

NC seems like the new place to be. I like the winter, just not as much of it. I'd like it say, for Christmas and possibly January. By February I need to be able to look forward to a trip to a tropical climate!

Stephie Says..... said...

AJB,,,When the hubby is going on 20 years with a company ...Yup I said 20 years at 38 ys old he will NEVER leave it...Ask Normie...NEVER EVER....
I am on the net lots and lots for r/e around there OH no lets pay a half mil in Mass with 1500 sq feet why not....It is Mass...lol lol lol