Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rain, Rain go away!!!

Ok Alright already! Why is it so bleaping wet? I am sick of wearing 3/4 lenght sleaves in JUNE! Went to the dentist early this morning and had to take off the t-shirt and put on the longer but not longest sleaves. My sons being tween and teen wore t-shirts and were "fine". I tell ya in work they keep saying it is summer now! Where where is it? you tell me! So if you are a duck have a great wet day and if you are like me try to be happy and have a kinda sorta nice day....


Norma said...

Wow, your dentist makes you take your shirt off? ; )

Stephie Says..... said...

You know the way I wrote that does make it sound like he made No it was b/c it was so very chilly in the early lol