Friday, December 12, 2008

Remember when....

Any of you remember the year without snow? OOOOOHHHH I so do. I wanna say '01 maybe '03. I recall my friend Susan from church who loves the winter was so sad about it. We walked twice a week and would go out if it were cold. I told her once it snows no more walking. She was like it is so fun in the snow. OH NOT FOR ME! lol Her husband got snowmobiles for the NH house and they could not use them since it was a winter with like one snowstorm with maybe 2 inches. I liked that year. It is nice that it is Dec. 12 and we have yet to have some. PLEASE stay up in the sky. I can hope can;t I?


Kristin said...

yes sister, let it not snow!
snow is a no go over here too!
i hear ya!

Dawn said...

I loved that year! Snow is not my friend... I think we can only avoid for so long... sounds like we will get TONS this weekend. I heard 5-10 inches tomorrow and 10 more on Sunday.

Stephie Says..... said...

I know don't remind me...Rys school already called and said dismsl. at 11am and I hope S school too. I get out of work at noon so that is good and hope that S does not have to work tom night late or Sat morn early...UGH....SNOW makes things harder....ugh ugh ugh....
I so loved that year without snow....

PamelaAnne said...

you jinxed it!

yay snow! although its been just about 12 hours now for scottie in the plow with no signs of returning home anytime tonight... maybe monday.. lol

Stephie Says..... said...

Poor Scott when does he sleep when he does three shifts or 4 in a row? That is one good hard workin man u have there....