Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Q & A

Questions and Answers

1. Do you put up outdoor Christmas decorations?
Just a wreath and two little lit up trees
2. Do you have a favorite Christmas cookie?
I love the white snowball cookie...or butter horns
3. What is the best gift you ever gave someone?
I think the boys ....When we got them Thomas the Tank board and M and his dad built them a really nice table and the board and all the sets with bridges....they loved it M and I loved it too
4. Do you like fruitcake?
No way
5. What is your least favorite Christmas song?
I have to say Santa Baby.....annnoying or the Chipmuchs singin songs
6. Do you go to church on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day?
Christmas eve at our old church in classic Our church does a very modern Mass we like that weekly but for Christmas Eve we love the old traditonal one
7. Do you hang Christmas stockings? Where?
we did but don't now....first house in Middleton had an awesome beautiful floor to celng. fireplace this one does not but one year we hung the stockings on the top window ledge about 12 feet high...we decided it looked to
8. Do you truly believe "it's the most wonderful time of the year"?
It is a very special time of year. I also love Spring and Easter
9. Have you ever worn a Santa hat?
10. Are you more like Scrooge or Father Christmas?
Mother Christmas
11. Do you hang mistletoe?
We used to in the Revere house but not now
12. Does Santa wrap presents or just place them under your tree?
used to place and display but now since they are older they is hard b/c gifts are so differnt now that they are teens
13. Can you ice skate?
I did back in the day at the Orient Heights rink in Easta Bost back in the 80's I so wan tot skate next winter....
14. Do you love snow?
If you know me u will know that answer.....
15. Which do you prefer-- giving or receiving?
giving b/c I like to see smile and make happy happy
16. Candy Canes-- yuck or yum?
17. The 3 best things about Christmas?
there are more than 3 so I will not list bc/ I may be here all
18. What type of decoration should stop being made?
garland puffy they still make it...I hope not
19. Do you listen to 24/7 holiday radio?
I love the music on 103.3 and 105.7 so yes and I play Pandoras Radio on the comp when I am home...
20. Rudolph or Frosty?
Rudolph b/c he is NOT made of snow.....SNOW BITES! lol lol