Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cor Unum=One Heart

"Cor Unum is committed to the truth that no man, woman, or child should ever be hungry"

Perspective! that is what I can say about life after serving food at the hot meal center in Lawrence this afternoon. We live in a rich country America but there are still homeless and hungry all over. Though the government can send money to all the other countries like Middle East ect. With a happy heart I was glad to help. Lots of work but well worth it. So sad to see young kids make their way there for a hot meal ALONE! Yes I mean young kids. So very sad. Makes you see just how fortunate we are. This place is near the other soup kitchen that I shop and cook for the first week of the month. I must say the operation this place has going is superior to Bread and Roses. I am sure B and R feeds less people. Both places are run solely by private donations and volunteers. I am looking forward to going back next month. It was hard work well worth it. The smiles on the faces made it worth while. The simple things like a hot meal made them grateful. I tried my best to treat them all like they were at a restaurant and be an A+ waitress. I thanked them for coming and slipped all my guests with extra They could get seconds on the appetizer and main course but not dessert but I hooked them up.....SWEET! lol Hey they can't fire me I am a volunteer....LOL
I am blessed with many talents and thank God by putting those talents to work. The more you give the better you make yourself feel. A smile goes a long way....Blessings!


Dawn said...

I think that is so great Stephanie - I'd love to get the kids involved in something like that, it's so great to give to others...

Norma said...

that's my stephie!!!

Kristin said...

You are an angel! Really you are.
I want to come help with you!
We'll have to discuss this at the next dinner.

Stephie Says..... said...

K that would be freat to go together.....

Stephie Says..... said...


yes they always need help to wait the tabls. or bus....