Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lets talk about the weather...PART 2

Last weather post I was happy as a clam in the sand...WELL here we go Rant on......Come on ENOUGH already send it to Drew in LI NY who WANTS it...Stay away from here. Two chanls. say almost 10-12 inches....come said 6-12 ALL DAY LONG. I have to close tom night and may have to deal with driving in it at the peak YUCK///// I HATE THIS........After I drive Stephen to work today...(the nice job he gets big cash at, one of his games he is making $16.50 for the hour...niccceee instead of the reg $11. b/c it is an adult league and that is what they pay...NICCEE) I am making my way to Market Basket near the rink in N Andover stocking up and cooking all afternoon long. It will make me feel great and try to get my mind off of the crap that may soon come. A friend of ours as a joke bought us a 100 lb bag of calium chloride aka ice melt for Christmas. He left it out side our garage door and both Michael and I were like why did you leave it outside the garage, like the other one bought it. So for a few hours we were confused until he called and said did you see your surprise? LOL The past year he has been getting some homecooked meals from my kitchen so I think it was his way of saying thanks. So we have an additional 2 other 50lb bags....We go through ice melt on this hill like a fish needs water. I may p/u one more bag, u can never have I resorted to kitty litter one storm b/c I could not find icemelt at any of the 5 stores I went to and that was a BIG BAD RAF NO NO...It was a mess and did not do what real icemelt does...So MR. RAF had a no more kitty litter, klumping at that...yeah it was bad....funny after you do it but to al lof you who WANT the white stuff you are a bunch of stunads.....yeah Italian word for ....Norma help me out I can not put the definiton to words...If you ever hear the expression STUNAD you get it.....The deck this past week was all clear and ever part of the yard/property is clean of the junk and now it will be back.....Screw this crap I want Florida or Hawaii.....NOW!


PamelaAnne said...

LOL i thought of you as soon as i heard that. you should be good tomm. night. weather man (Scott) said it should end round 3 tomm. lucky you dont have to come in till 5. The roads will be completly clear by then and very little should be falling from the sky :) me i gotta walk to my damn car again at the ass crack of dawn. OKAY i lied on your last post i dont want it anymore either! lol too much exercise for me. FUDGE WAS a hit! thanks again!!

Anonymous said...

I knew you really did not like the snow deep I hope Weatherman Scott is correct...OR melt down will happen lol not the snow my Had fun at ur party i hope...glad the fudg ewas a hit...Stephie

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Dawn said...

Hawaii sounds good right now - I went there for my honeymoon 11 years ago and would LOVE to go back! I'd also love to be at Disney with the kids!! Fun, fun and NO snow!

Drew said...

We were supposed to get "Heavy Snow" and ended up w/nada. What a ripoff. The kids were really excited to go sledding...or as you guys call it: "Slidin'"!