Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Big Brother 9

I don't have to wait till the summer. This year CBS is doing a Big Brother in Feb. on the 12th at 900pm for all of you who care to watch...lol I am sure there are few of you besides Karen and Jane who really watch faithfully like the BB fan I am...lol Rumor has it that these HG's this year have a celebrity connection and it will be a DIRTY LAUNDY type theme. I am so excited for my BB to be back. I swear it should be on ALL YEAR LONG. lol I can;t tell you how much I LOVE that show. keep an eye out...It is almost here......yeah!
I would of never seen the previews if I did not watch the last 15 mins of the Pats game Sunday..I am glad Julie and I went down to see the game to get to see the preview....


Drew said...

If the writers strike keep going, you may see BB all year long! The 'reality shows' are the only shows that will survive! Maybe there should be a battle of the reality shows?

melissa said...

so thats why they all stink-no writers! LOL!

PamelaAnne said...

maybe ill have to watch it this year...

Dawn said...

Sounds like you will be in your glory. I never watched that show - the only reality shows I ever watched were the early days of Survivor, the Apprentice and of course, American Idol which I love! I know it's starts in January but knowing me, it probably already started! I'll have to set up my Tivo! The only thing I don't like about American Idol is how they stretch it out into two nights... I hope it's a really good season of BB!

Drew said...

When is The Office coming back??!!!

Anonymous said...

When the writers get abck maybe? So many shows not really on b/c of it.....UGH

Dawn said...

Drew, Ed loves the Office but he watches it on sidereel.com

Drew said...

I never heard of Sidereel. Gonna check that!