Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy Happy #12

At 404pm today Ryan our youngest will be the BIG 1-2....Yeah the baby is going to be year till another teenager....UGH ;lol.............Happy Birthday to a funny in a dry kind of sarcastic way kid. He always makes his papa crack up, they both have the same kind of humor. His birthday food request was beef stew, at first, then he said he wanted meatball sandwiches, cesar salad and motzrella sticks...homemade of course and an icecream cake from Baskin Robins. We are having his party at 5 and I am over organized so I have plenty of time and stuff is done. I was streesing that I would be rushing but I don't have to. His good friend Taylor and his dad took him to see Spiderman this morning and he loved it. Before work he and I got to relive in words of course the day of his birth...He asked if it hurt....LOL LOL LOL Kid lol He got the black BMX bike he wanted.....non motorized ofcourse and is out there on the grass mind you doing jumps over a plywood with his brother, helmet on, it's the law.......Have a great June 30th all.....I know we will.......


Stephie Says..... said...

be sure to look at the updated Jack post below....Thanks

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Cool bike for a cool kid! Love to relive the memories and love his choice of birthday dinner! You done good Stephie! You and Michael must be proud.

Norma said...

Happy 12th to my favorite godson...oh, if only I could return to June 30, 1995 and get back the body that I had that summer! ; )

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Sounds like you planned a great day for him Stephie. I love reliving the "birth" day with my kids too :-)
Have fun and enjoy the weather!


Anonymous said...

Oh Normie...u were so tan and a little bit of a thing...u still are so tan and still a little bit of a thing so why u I recall the awesome dress u wore to his Cristening.....My my When we went shopping for her dress at the Mall w/ the baby and Stephen woh was 2.5 a couple said "she is so pretty", "what's her name?" OS I said RYANNA...and Norma almost choked to death...We laughed the whole way home b/c I felt bad saying it was a boy...HE HAD ON ALL BLUE AND MY CARSEAT WAS NAVT BLUE...where did they get If I am not sure I say what a beautiful baby whats the babys hope that it is not a female/male Stephie
Thnaks K amd P for the well wishes