Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Fathers Day Photo

On Fathers Day we spent the day at my brother in laws house for a BBQ. Here is the only non-blured photo that I could salvage. My mother in law bought everyone tees, the colors indicate what family you belong Michael, Stephen and Ry are in maroon, oldest is John standing in hunter, Rob is younger than Michael he, Evan and Owen are in blue, and the youngest is Tony; his daughter, Selena in orange and FIL Rob in Yellow. Now see how easy that was with the colors...LOL ........What would I do if I did not have the colors lol to explain.......It was a hot, sticky day but lots of good food and laughs were had by all.......Enjoy your Sunday....And a Happy 41st birthday to John the oldest...Today he is one year older than his dreaded 40th last year.............It is a sore subject w/


Anonymous said...

What a handsome bunch! And Selena is a cutie. Great idea about the colored tshirts for each group. I'll have to keep that in mind for D's next family reunion if his cousin and I can ever get anyone together again at the same time! LOL I think we'd need a wide angel lens though; there are so dang many of them! LOL


Norma said...

john and michael look so much alike in this pic...nice of you to point out that tony is younger. ; )

Karen said...

Thats a great shot! Nice family.. YOur mother in law must be very organized like her daughter in law!!

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

that really is a handsome bunch of guys!! what colorful attire they had!!!!!!!

glad to see you blogging again :)

Anonymous said...

OPPS>>>>I WAS WRONG HE WAS 42...this year....OPPS/////