Monday, July 10, 2006

"The Ten Comandments"

As we all know a very important of the Ten Is "Do not covert your neighbors wife". It is not easy explaining this concept at VBS to a bunch of 4th almost 5th graders. It is even harder when one of the students in your class is going through family troubles because the mother, after 14 years of a wonderful marriage is shacking up with a younger man ...not her loving husband. How awkward is this topic to the group of 1o almost 11 years olds? It is not a happy thing to have to hear of your friends bad choices or accept her actions. So to put it blunt long gone days of "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible loves me so"///// Deeper and deeper we go the older we get.......Heaven help me!


Karen said...

Very sad...the poor kid. I'm sure you will give advice from your heart, and if that doesn't work, a good hug will always do. Good luck and keep on doing what you do for those kids!

Norma said...

That is a sticky situation, Stephie. But imagine how much stickier (and ickier) it will be when you have to explain that mom's lumberjack girlfriend, huh?

Stephie Says..... said...

Karen ...t/u///She got a hugh hug today in need of some attrntion. Saddest part is I took care of her as her daycare provider since she was 18mnths old.....
Norma...This is who I mean ....but I am in hopes reffering to the young bf from the pharmacy and hope the lumberjack is no longer in the pic///AND not only os the ex injured now the son is....ugh ugh ugh ,,,,,

Karen said...

Sounds like this mom can't make up her mind on what she wants.. there's another word for that: SELFISH!

Stephie Says..... said...

OH you got that right Karen......