Friday, July 28, 2006

It must stink to be color blind!

As you know the color blind trait is more common in the male than the female. When Stephen (13 yr old son) was 3 1/2 and in preschool the teacher at Private Progressive Preschool (ladeda) lol took me aside and said he was far to smart with all the other things in school but is not doing well with his colors. She like myself had the feeling he was colorblind. Well wouldn't you know at his well visit he looked at the green #5 and it did not POP out like it does gor others who are not colorblind. I guess he has compensated by looking at the words on the side of the crayons all his early elementary schooling. Then Ryan (11 yr old son) had the same issue with the "color" thing. He did not read as early as Stephen so we would help him with the words on the side of the crayons. SO in the car today on the way to the park it was so funny b/c on of the boys friends pointed out how bright green the trees were at the HS that were planted in May. He was surprised they did not die with all the heat. There were 2 other trees that were very brown and kind of on the outs. I wanted to see what MY boys see when they see the trees and the bright green ones are brown to them and the brown ones are black. Funny thing the van I mentioned in the last post we had was a beige/light brown and my sons always refer to it as the purple van we used to have????? PURPLE.......not brown PURPLE.........I know on the radio yesterday they were talking about colorblindness and Matty said that he had a freind that never saw pink in a correct way and had a gross kelly green suit and insisted it was brown.....Well thats my boys too. They are also confused with grays and the fall tones are the hardest for them to name. I feel bad b/c I would love to see through their eyes what they truly see..........I know colorblindness restrict you from flying for the US milatary and comercial flights so no airplane pilots here. No problem with me b/c I am not the fondest of airtravelers. So to my sons Stephen and Ryan, What color do you want your room painted the next time? PURPLE???lol I will be picking out thier clothes till they find a wonderful wife to take over the job................Love you two so much....Brown eyes and all..........


Stephie Says..... said...

I did take it at the doctors the time my son had to to see the dirrerece for him to me.....SO is that why you always wore a brown blazer at PJH.......only kiddin all the boys wore a brown or blue PJH made it easy for the colorblind boys.....
Any other restrictions when colorblind that you know of AJB?

Karen said...

Appropriate post today since Matt and I both had our eyes tested this morning and my pupils are still SOO huge.. I just picked up Billy from camp and left my sunglasses on so other parents don't think I'm on drugs!!! I hate the feeling of having my eyes dilated.. it's gross! Luckily I can see colors and still have 20/20. Matt still needs glasses for schoolwork and will be getting a new pair. The two of us went straight to the eyeglass store and had to leave because we were both blind!!! DUH!