Sunday, October 05, 2008

This month.....all about PINK!

October is more than just fall festivals, fairs, harvest and Halloween it is a very important month dedicated to breast cancer. Awareness, detection and remembrance is on top of the October list. Today is the Boston walk. I remember in years past the awesome group of women I was privileged to walk with on the walk. It was an awesome event. I am thinking of all the gals out there today walking, I could not be there due to circumstances beyond my control. I wish I were with all of you. My friend Jane always put so much effort into our team and makes all the walks memorable. One year I drove the bus to Boston and was so stressed being in all the traffic in a big bus but got through it. Jane and Sue were in the seat behind me. Funny b/c Sue does not get past Peabody much so that was the funny thing that she was "helping" (lol)navigate. I am sporting my pink today in remembrance and got a beautiful bouquet of pink balloons from LC w/ a swish mylar one and a sunshine face. Made my day. Just what I needed. Try to make any kind of donation be it cash, time or talent to this cause I hold dear to my heart. You never know who or how this will affect you or your life. Blessings and prayers to those going through it and making strides in recovery and cure of it. THINK PINK!


Stephie Says..... said...

We have been calling LC "LC" way before the Hills ever came not Lauren

Paige said...

Amen to that!! THINK PINK!!! :-D

Dawn said...

I will "think pink"... I'd love to do the walk some time!

Stephie Says..... said...

walking the walk is a very spirtitual experinc. touching, moving and modivating...