Friday, September 26, 2008

The rain won't keep us away.....

Since I did not have to work today Jane and I were off for our walk. When the clouds were out and the streets wet we were not going. We did however get to PF. Did the treadmill and went the distance. I don't have a black membership so she would have to pay to be a guest but we caught this guy walking in and asked if she could go as his guest and he was more than happy to do it. It saved her $20 bucks. Got some Passion Tea at Starbucks, sat on the sofa there and now here I am drinking my Isopure. Gotta shower and do some errands in the wet rain. The time goes by so fast when you walk and talk, Pam can agree Have a wonderful day despite the raw, wet day it is. Always makes something positive out of the least bit negative.Enjoy everyday for it is truly a gift from God.


Dawn said...

That's great you guys got your exercise in... I agree, walking is way more fun with a friend!

Stephie Says..... said...

So tru goes by so much faster, and a blast to talk.
rain still here but thats ok gotta have water right! lol

PamelaAnne said...

im afriad that i wont go now without you!! :(

I dont think that i can make an hour on the tredmill feel like 15 min w/out you to talk to. Get your cell phone out girlie and i cant wait for you to be back at it with me!!

when you get back we're doin the eliptical! lol
miss you already. mwah!