Before I answer these that K sent me....There is this awesome place in Woburn that my BIL, healthy Doc John took me too atleast 3 years ago called Know Fat/Low Fat
It is awesome....you order then they call ur number and everything is nofat or low fat...all healthy things...I got the best egg white and brockl. soy wrap there once and got the turkey burger and air cooked sweet potat. fries once. Salads are the best.....WELL.......took Ry there today to get something and IT IS GONE! WHAT THE HECK! .....good thing across the street in Cumming Center Woburn is a Fresh City...also a favorite of mine. I love the acai smoothie with protien. I got that and Ry got romaine with beans and wild rice salad....oh that looked so good. You can have it tossed or dressing on the side and Ry said tossed and I think it would be better on the side b/c it was too wet. SO we atleast got some tasty healthy treats. We were surpose to have dinner with friends after Mass but they had to cancel, sick and did not want to cantiminate us...lol So while M and S are on the guys golf weekend, Ry and I are buds......dinner tonight Amys Organic Low Sod. veggie lentl soup....I am NOT going crazy tonight....lol
Here goes.....
1. My Uncle: I have one and he is such a doll. He is so loved by all. Handsome and funny as all hell. Like a daddy to me. Walked me down the aisle when I got married. He and Know Fear get along so well. Love you Uncle Stevie
2. There’s this person I know who:is so smart and can make mega cash as a doctor but put that on hold to raise her kids and sacrafised for them and gave her mother the one thing tha tshe needed most. Luv u Jane....
3.Once, at a bar: maybe the ONLY time Know Fear and I were at one we got in an exclusive place in Harvard Sq b/c of his scientist friend. I was not yet 21 but got in..yeah ...lol
4.By noon, I’m usually: Have already been up for 7 hours maybe 7.5....lol
5.Last night:Ry and I played some skip-bo I luv that card game.
6.What I like best about the eighties is: that ESPRIT bags were awesome, jelly shoes rocked, PJH was the place to be GO TIGERS!
7. If I were a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: a maid who is in the backround cookin...lol ???? IDK
8.By this time next year:365 will have passed and the lbs will be down? sound good?
9.I have a hard time understanding: why people do the things they do and make choices that they make.
10.One thing I'm thankful for is: freewill........the freenation that we live in and the ablity to pray and love God without being put to death or jailed.
11.If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: my family and friends. Know Fear...lol S and Ry
12.Take my advice. Never: tell me I cna't do something b/c I will try my darndest to prove you wrong....
13.My ideal breakfast is: organice vanla. soy milk ,cup of berries and protein powder with lots of ice blended with ground flax...maybe peach or banana
14.A song I love is: The Prayer .....Celine Dion, Celtic Women
15.If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you eat the famous 100 plus year old Richardsons Icecream/it is made fresh it is not 100 years old...lol. They are awesome...then you can see Uncle Paul...I call him that...he is not my uncle ...I wish..lol at our church ......
16.Why won’t people: stop being crapheads and be nice.
17.The world could do without: Killings and War
18.I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:I D K....ick either way
19.My favorite blonde is:I really don't know many blonds.
20.I can't count the number of times:I make sure things are just so and in thier place....lol OCD but not ovah the top....lol