Saturday, August 16, 2008


What closed? Michael and I went to PF after dinner and after picking up a shirt at JC Penny for our nephews Baptism tomorrow. As we approach the lot I get all happy to only see like maybe 3 cars in the lot. I am thinking GREAT all by ourselves. Lights all on and looking open but get to the door and locked. I had the notion it was open 24 hours and closed at 9 pm on Sunday and reopen at like 6am on Monday....But I guess when I looked on the website they are only open Sat and Sun 7a-7p. I guess I was
We decided to walk some neighborhoods near our house. It felt and smelt like when you are in Northern NH on a summer night. You know what I mean the crisp air smell like the seasons may be changing. What the heck, we barley had hot/summer weather this entire summer. It gets darker earlier and so cool at night now....OH SO SAD. One of the streets has this extremely steep hill and it was a killah. Down was great. lol I am glad we got ot do some moving after dinner, I may even turn on ON DEMAND the exercise options are fun. I did salsa one time and dance jam the other. It felt like back in the dayz at dance school. lol Funny story my old dance teacher from about 1980-86 lives across the street from us. I knew years back she "moved north" but too much to see her when we moved in 8 years ago and she remembered me. I could have her come by and do some moves in the family room with SO no gym tonight but we got our blood pumpin' on our walk.......


Jennifer said...

that is so nice that you both got to spend some quality time and take a stroll. you must have looked like 2 luv bugs pumping it up the hills, lol lol... did mike have his sexy running attire on? i need to see a pic of that!!!! lol lol...i bet he wears a headband to keep the sweat out of his baby browns.

Stephie Says..... said...

u crack me
no head band....

he was ahead of me on the hill and I huffed and I and said hey long legs wait up...huf huf puf I got ahead on the way
on the main rd he made sure I was on the inside...he is such a caretaker...he is now snoring sleeppy it tired him out...hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

I hear you about the seasons changing - I feel like summer was hardly here and now it's getting cool at night already. But I do love fall!

Thank you for commenting on my blog! I look forward to getting to know you better!

Anonymous said...

good to know. thought theyd be open late sat night. i guess noone wants to work out late on weekends.. no working late.

Hey! you dont give yourself enough credit. You made it up the hill!!!! YAY! could you imagine if you tried to do that a few months ago, i bet you would have been lagging a lil more ;) great job!