Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is so worth the viewing.....

I was sent this this morning from my old friend/co-worker from my days at the school who is recovering from uterus cancer. She has kept her illness under wraps for reasons of her own. I was told about it and did not let on to her that I knew she was diagnosed b/c in due time or at the time when she wanted to have me know she would. I got some info from another old co-worker who also got her info second hand. I am sure she has her reasons for not wanting to reach out.I am so happy she is close to being done with all that comes with recovery and she let me know what she has. I gave her my friendship and love not my sympathy b/c I am sure that could be one of the many reasons she kept it to herself for all who know would give that look of oh no and she so did not wnat people to look at her with the feeling of u poor thing. I do remember when she told me last summer she was going for a hystarectamy at the point of a week before the op she had not told her 4 sons to not worry them and let her husband in on it only b/c she needed a ride. She kept the op to herself she told me and I said what did he say and she was like I did not tell him.The boys range from 14-23 so it is not like they could not handle it. I guess once again she had her reasons. So back to the link.....She sent this and wrote that until she got the news of her cancer she would of deleted or passed over "garbage" like that. She knows I am not one to pass over that stuff. She said she was glad that I have a better attitude than she ever had towards life and could reflect that through my friendship to others. That was a nice thing to say. I was like why wouldn't I. She responded that she never did that till she came close to knowing she may not have much longer to be here. She is not one of deep faith said she never felt that a link like that would even make a differnce if she looked at it or not but now has done a 180 and sees just how important things are. Her out look has changed. One of her reasons not to let others know about her cancer was b/c she debated that she may not even get treatment and just let things happen if they were to happen. She woke up one day and was enlightened to fight and this e-mail gave her the desire to make her "dash" count and did not want the nuber at the end of her "dash" be within the year. So I write this to tribute a women who had no desire to fight, lack of faith in any being, I comend her that she was enlightened and am proud that she can say I was apart of her desire to go on and have a more positive attitude. She may have to wear a baseball cap she says but atleast she is alive to wear it hair or no hair. Love you Lyd.........


Stephie Says..... said...

BTW....she knows just how much I HATE the beach b/c of the sand and said jokingly u comin to the beach this summer and I was like yes b/c I LOVE the beach....well u know what I am going to the beach with her b/c she deserves to know that she made a difference in my life and I too CAN do something I really am not fond of doing like she was not fond to ge get treatment. The level of difference is so big but it still has some of the get what I nean right? U have to get Stephie by