Sunday, February 10, 2008


We have seen so much snow from Thursday to today it is insain. Today the squalls were so bad driving to N Anodover that we coul dnot see a hand in front of us. I was just glad we needed to stop for gas and we sat it out a bit at the gasstation b/c I could tell even Michael who does not get ratteled was like what the heck! Last night I look out and AGAIN the driveway needs to be shoveled. Except for the three inches of slush, ice and snowy muck on Thursday morn we have not needed to really shovel a ton but have to go over and over the dusting ect to keep the hill clear. This is an outrage.......Even Michael got in from this morn and said "whos ready to make the move to Florida"...Either he was trying reall yhard to pull my and the boys chain at breakfast or he is just as sick as I am. The boys were like no we love this. Yesterday they were out for 3 hours in the crap. They were having a grando ol time. I was like r they not freezing? They were sweating from all the runs up and down the hill in back. It did look like fun from afar. lol Still not my cup o tee. Please SPRING....come quick......Have you noticed that at 515pm it is just getting dark, it seems to stay light a tad bit longer the past few days........


Norma said...

You're not going anywhere!!! We're too far apart as it is...just suck it up!

melissa said...

maybe you just need a florida vacation...
Florida is for the newly wed or nearly dead-you wouldn't fit in!

Dawn said...

I think a vacation sounds good! As much as we complain about New England winters, there's nothing like a New England summer or fall! So I guess that's what keeps us sticking around here! LOL! I agree though - this cold weather has got to go!

Drew said...

We actually got about 2 inches on Tuesday night before it turned to rain. Bummer. Once again, we got zippo!

Anonymous said...

well at least u got to see it..RIGHT? We got more and had a 2 hour delay and S had no school one day..YUCK UGH I AM SICK OF IT>...