Monday, May 07, 2007

Stephies PSA for the day........Safety First.......

Always wear your helmets........
Stephen and his friends have been getting so good at sk8ing, biking, and mostly sk8brdin....I like to see them together having clean fun and getting exercise. Stephen has even been digging on the side of the yard to make "jumps and ramps", hope Michael does not fall upon He won't like all the diggin' maybe he will. We went to his friends house early on Saturday and this boy made the coolest course for biking. There were drops and plywood to make the bike do a jump. I was impressed. The only thing this boy was not wearing a helmet. I demand it. No helmet no ride. It is Mass law you know. It may even be other state laws too. My sons both know no matter where you always wear that helmet.....So folks protect those noggins......WEAR YOUR HELMETS!

And don't forget those seatbelts also........


Karen said...

Did you ever see those kids on America's funniest video's that are falling down steps and stuff on skateboards and they never wear helmets? I'm glad you are the Safety Officer! I'm the same way.. I don't know how we survived childhood.

anonymous blogging woman..... said...

i totally have a bike helmet and when i ride my bike i strap it on even though i do feel like a dork....i make kenny too and he always gets embarassed...but safety first!

we both got our first bike helmets when we were 26 years old...luckily neither of us ever cracked our noggins.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! The rule in our house too is no helmet, no wheels. From the little ones with their "scooter" and trike to the big ones on their bikes or skateboard.
I had to laugh when I saw the graphic because Quinn has that BAB skateboard for one of his BAB dogs and earlier in the day I nearly tripped on it coming down the stairs! He didn't leave it out, Nikol did,but still. Then to read your post and see that picture later in the evening was a funny coinky-dink!


Dawn said...

I totally agree - I'm a safety girl as Julia Roberts would say in Pretty Woman!