It's ping pong not Notice the fancy gray wrist bands ward off seasickness at your presure points they seemed to work well.......
Enjoying the balcony
In the entrance to the resturant in Atlantis.......all glass.....
Artist that did this one for Atlantis did the one for Disney Cruise....All crystal glass hand blown worth over 3 mil
Mil $ sculpture when you enter the ship.......
Sunset from our romantic!
That is some bright sunshine........trin to bottel it and bring it back home......
Taking crocked pictures again and again.....

Mom and the boys at Atlanitis Resort our 1st port of call.....sun was in our eyes as you can see us all swintin

The boys and dad getting ready for the sting ray adventure that mom did not want them to go on ...The barbs were trimmed and not able to they say/////

This boat is in the waters at the Castaway Cay....pronounced KEY. Disneys private Island tha tI want to live on ....This was in the filming of the P of C movies.....
Jean our swash buckeling pirate server.........On the P of the C Party night.....Ryan wearing his pirate bandana!
We picked up Stephens friend on Thursday morn after we got off the ship to go to the Vans Sk8 Park in Orlando. They had a blast. They were the only ones there......Stephen in the beige shirt his friend in the blur.....
Do I not look like I am Stephie Ready to play tennis in my tennis visor and short and slide on Keds also gave the impresion I was goin gto the courts for a match lol hope u like the pics
Stephie Graf was a tennis player right>? Dur>>>>
*SKORT...half shorts half skirt...u gals out there know what I mean....
Hmmm, yeah, nice visor...
just kidding. The pics are AWESOME; wish I was there with you!
That looks like a great trip and what a beautiful ship!!! You boys (all 3) are very handsome and happy looking :) That beach makes me want to be right there.. was that part of the cruise? You deserved a fabulous vacation for your anniversary!!! It was worth that flight, wasnt it?
Tennis anyone? haha
great pics!
Wonderful pix Stephie! It looks like you all had a very fun & relaxing vacation....I wanna go back! LOL
Great shots, Stephie. Your Kids look like they had a blast! I especially like the sunset pic.
And yeah...having 7 sisters and 3 daughters, I knew what a Skort is!
ps. all the shots came up but with a lot of space between them...
I know I don't know how to post the pic w/out that big space?
It was worth the flight and it would of been worth the DRIVE for 24 hours too if I got to
Tennis anyone? I have the outfit but not the S
love the pics!!! especially the kissing one that embarassed the boys! lol
When I saw the sunset picture it reminded me of the beauty of Gods creation. I asid a prayer and tought of heaven and all the splendor of the beauty and power of it.....
very nice. Some of these look awful familiar... Atlantis?? like Atlantis resort in the Bahamas? That is my dream vacation! Although your disney cruise looked and sounded like SO MUCH FUN!! glad your back thou :)
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