I just was comenting 3 days ago to my sister-in-law about how the silliest things that go into this towns police blotter. For example, police respond to garden being dug up, suspect may be a critter. Then a disturbing the peace, lawn mover being loud at 800pm. Ok whos lawn is tall enough to mow at this point? I am just glad ours is bright green let alone tall......Another call was could not locate car in Market Basket parking lot. Not stoolen just lost for a while lol .......
Well this weeks blotter will have more than just your shits and giggels type of reporting. This morning it started that as we were leaving "the hill" on the way to pick up Jordan down the street, three cars with police lights unmarked go flying by me. Now that is really weird. I think in the entire town we have 4 patrol cars, and two dark blue crown vics.....Maybe 5 full time officers and 4 p/t....Well after getting Jordan and talking about how weird it was to see the unmarked cars, he said yeah my mom called and said something is weird on River Street when she was leaving for work, she still drives the bus. I get about a block from Jodans house the entire other end from where we live and there are staties, local police undercover and yellow tape acroos the road. It was so bizzare. What the heck is going on. My cell rang about 5 seperate times. Questions from drivers on the main road Rt 114 that could tell the top of River was closed. Being the honoray mayor and all, I may have the scoop....lol .......So they think!.......Later on while on my break I got the semi scoop...and the mess was cleared by 12:30 from 8:00 am .......atleast the cars were able to go by at that point. SO the story goes it is not the first time police had to respode to this residence..A Nam Vet older man who gets "weird" every so often tried to hold his wife and 6 year old grandchild hostage. The wife got away with the child and ran to the neighbors to call the police. It looked like they were surounding the neighbors house a single mother that I know with a disable child. SO all I could think of something happen to the boy who is a year younger than Stephen. I know he is in a home for disable children but maybe he was home and something happen. That was not the case but I did not know that 'till afternoon. So worry was in the back of my mind. I still don't know the outcome of how it ended ect.....Then after dinner the phone rings, I look at caller ID and it is the school dept. They have a service that mass calls families, ie reminder of half days coming up, field trips ect. Ry has a ft coming up this week to Lex/Concord battle site. So I answer and it is the superintendent to repot that 35 students were involed in a bus accident and are all fine. He gives the details. At the point of the word accident I then am sobbing b/c I once was a bus driver and have children and could not imagine the gut wrentching feeling I would get knowing my kid or any at that was involed in a bus accident. The almost 10 years living in this town not once a fendah bendah. Driving for the bus company I would get the 1st scoop of maybe a lot "bump" backing up into a pole while parking but never did I hear of an accident for all the 3 towns that I drove in. I was glad to have a spotless clean tenure with that part of my life and never thank God have had an accident or any problem of that sort. I would feel aweful and not able to forgive myself if I put anyone in harms way. Main reason why I quit while I was ahead.........I am not a QUITER but I had to leave the job despite the $20+ dollars per hour, it was alot of stress and responsbility to keep them safe. They are paid that b/c it is not an easy job. I think the stress was getting to me and my white knuckles were taking a toll. I miss the kids emencly (sp) but the task at hand not a bit. Those 77 pasanger big babies are hugh and yellow and really great in the snow but Normie knows the very flake of snow and I was a basket case. I did not show it to the students but inside I was eating away years by the minute. So now you know why I build bears .....lol .........NO STRESS! Maybe that will erase the stress build up...lol So I go to tell Michael what happen and am crying uncontrollably and he is like who is hurt ect. I said none. He was like why are you so worked up knowing that out of the 37 involved not a one was injured just shooken up. I guess it was just me picturing the incident and feeling of pit in your stomach stress. I am just so glad to report not an injury and all was handled by the book. I hope that tommorow brings a new light of no worries and peace to the day.
Monday, April 30, 2007
What a day in this small town......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:51 PM 7 comments
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Towel Oragami!
These are 4 of the five towel animals that were in our stateroom at night before bed. Missing is the hanging monkey...He was the best one but Ry used it before we could take the picture. He took it apart and used it for his shower. I felt so bad for monkey. He was so funny hanging from the pull out bed. Top pic snake/next lobstah/then swan and last puppy w/ Michaels glasses.....
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:20 AM 4 comments
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I took the "What color purple are you" ...This is what I got...How Ironic, don't you think....
I LOVE IT! How do they know this from questions...The hit the nail on the head....
You Are Lilac
You are a very innocent and pure person. Ethics matter to you.Your friends consider you a great listener, and you often play therapist to your friends.You are good at drawing out truths in conversation, however painful they may be.Non judgmental and patient - people feel like they can tell you anything!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:09 PM 1 comments
Like it was yesterday!
Today is the big day...Well that is what we said 15 years ago.......THE BIG DAY! Stephanie and Michael tied the knot...Our invitaion read A fresh new day...... and it is ours a day of happy beginnings when we Stephanie Ann and Michale Anthony together with our families pledge our love as one on Sunday the twentysixth of April nineteen hundred and ninety-two at two thirty o'clock Saint Lazarus Church 59 Ashley St East Boston Massachusetts....I made it up with Michaels input...of course lilac purple with pure white and tulip in lay........At 230pm on a Sunday at the most beautiful church, St. Lazarus Church we said our vows in front of God and His witnesses. We will always till death due us part love and honor eachother. I still feel like the young bride. It was 2 months after my 21st birthday, we had an engagement of a year and four months. We had to wait for the house that we bought and rented out to make some money....See even then Michael had the financial know how at 24 ! lol
He is still that frugal guyI married...lol In our wedding pictures he looks the ripe old age of 17.....hehehehe We were told this by our friends The Crottys. They said I looked @19 but he looked really young. Well now I look like the young one and he a bit older, so I am told..right Normie......lol Men look distinqisted with salt and pepper and women look old. Men are so lucky in that aspect. With age comes looks for men, and women we fight it tooth and nail and try so hard to keep our youth. Back to the topic.....lol ......SO here we are 15 years later still so love...sigh! Then I tought I loved him so much and now I know I love him more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow.......I know cheesey but so true. When I was younger I never got that song and what it meant but I sure do now. I thank God for all the blessings we have and that we were meant to be forever in love now until enturnity. We are sharing faith, hope and love...The greatest of these LOVE..........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:29 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Here are the pics...FIIINNNNAAALLLYY!
It's ping pong not ballet........lol Notice the fancy gray wrist bands ward off seasickness at your presure points they seemed to work well.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 11:04 PM 12 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 2:48 PM 16 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I LOVE THAT MAN.............
I love my husband Michael for the best surprise Aniversary gift ever... AND I love Walt Disney.......If it wern't for him then No Mickey and NO DIsney World or Disney Cruise line to be tought of by his Imaginears...........We just got in at 6:30pm tonight. Just got home at 10opm /went to MIL and Fil's and talked and ate....We were surpose to get in at 2:00 pm but as always Michael goes to the counter and gives up our seats to get free trips...He is a saver that he is. This trip we only had to pay for two plane tics b/c last year he made it so Ry and he got bumpped and got the vouchers. This year we waited 4 extra hours got luch paid for and $400.00 per person. That is two more trips to Disney for US!....He thinks we will use it for CA Lego Land but NO WAY I am not going on a cross country flight. NO WAY .......3 hours is plenty for me. Direct is the only way I GO! I went to my happy place, I closed my eyes and tried to do some Yoga tecniques. Smells that I like, sounds and places and visuals of purple tulips. GO TO YOUR HAPPY PLACE> Coming home the flight was way smoother that going down. Enough of that... The cruise was AWESOME> I can not say enough about it.......We also went to EPCOT one of the days...So see I did go to Europe, and China and Canada and Japan...Italy was awesome...Due Canollies ...........chow balla.....lol lol ......I love to see all the countries. Just like being there.......10 countries in 6 hours how can you go wrong. When Michael down loads the pic from the camara. I will post some with little remarks. I must say it was great that on the boat the boys could have fun and not worry about them and where are they. The places they went to and the activities were great. It gave Michael and I some alone time and we had lots of fun on the times we were with them. Mostly with them but had an Aniversary dinner to die for. Paolos was the best. It was like were were in our own little world and only he and I exsisted. That was a happy place to go to on the plane. SO funny we were walking to Animators Palate for dinner and out of the corner of my eye...MICKEY was right near me. It was like I saw a famous star. I was star struck. He hugged ME~! I was like oh my it is you MICKEY! He looked so nice in his captains uniform...ehehhehehehe In all the 12 times at Disney World never did we see the characters as close nad as much as we did on the ship. You think I am a Disney freak...This couple (who played the wedding game, I wanted t obe on the stage) they have been on the Disney Cruise 24 times since it set sail in 1998.....24 times..They are married 54 years and her name happens to be WONDER just like the ship...lol I spoke with her in the hall and was amazed they go like 2 or 3 times a year ...HELLO! holy lots of moolah......lol I ma not that bad but maybe would be if I had a cash stash...lol lol lol So much to tell and I am bearly keeping up with the keyboard.....I missed you all and missed the land....every so often I rock or sway from the sea legs...........The Disney Island Castaway Cay is beautiful, I do not like the beach but could live at this place. The sand was like silk and the ocean (cleaned with a purifying system, osmosis thingy) was so nice. Yes ME not wantin go tleave the beach...Spent 7 hours there...Normie knows I would not spend 7 mins at a beach lol lol ....I LOVED IT>>>THe kids LOved it so much...We went to the family beach for the dya ..There is a teen one and adult one too.....I spoke with a nice guy who lives on the island 65 people live there to take care of it....Funny I daid like the show LOST he was like we don't have TV...I was like YIKES......lol lol he does however have internet acess////PHEW! so when he gets up in the morn and gets set with the pics I will post asap..........I took a look at all the posts from you guys that I missed while I was away...I will look closer tom after a good nights sleep. * Glad to be back....but I sure do miss my pal M-I-C-K-E-Y!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:38 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
Bon Voiage........
Farwell for now my friends. We will be back soon. I will give your love to the Mouses. Have a great week. I will ck back in as soon as we get back. Toodles..........Kisses and Huggs.......
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:21 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Here we go again.....
In all the 10+ years my sons have been in school I have only had one just one semi problem with a teacher. When Stephen was in fifth grade I got a call from his Lang Arts teacher saying he did not like the book that was being read in class and he made others not like the book too b/c he told them not to like it. HUH? I was like ok .....wait backup. The assignment was to state 4 facts about the book and give your view on the book based on the facts. So he DID! I think we live in America where freedom of speech is our way of living. SO she was mad and said so many of the other kids look to him ect and value what he says. HUH? Like these kids did not already dislike the book? They decided b/c Stephen Raf said so. That is about what she said Yes that was why. So she wanted him to re-do the paper. I in a nice way disagreed about the re-do but told her we would talk about the book at home being I previewed it and I also can agree that it was just so so .....So here we are 3 years later...Guess who Ryan has? Guess! And guess what book he is on? ! ! ! Did you guess? SO Stephen tells Ryan the story, Ry comes to me and says "oh that is why Mrs. Wills said do not listen to what you brother has to say about the book" ....Ryan just looked at her and did not question what she ment. As you can see she remembers the time oh so well. We will see if Ryan can "do the paper to her liking".......Bring it on Mrs. Wills...........
In the end she and I spoke 2 times while I was at the other school working as an aide. It seemed once she heard that for some reason she backed off. Funny thing....when I told the K teacher who was my lead teacher she said knowing from past experience with her she gave crap to the smarter kids. She liked to make waves.......Well wave away lady b/c Mrs. Raf has been there and done that....LOL LOL
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 5:10 PM 12 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Route One ICON! DOWN!
This here T-REX is the mascott of Route one in Saugus Massachusetts. At the mini-golf and batting cages place famous to the almost northshore people. I say almost because growing up I recall when in the car coming from EB Rt 1A once you see the dino you are in the "burbs". Really it is not but to an Eastie gal and other EBers Saugus was a long way from the tarred backyards and the triple deckers of the city. On Fox news at 10 it was reported that vandels knocked him over. He is not small and I also remeber being a kid thinking that is so hugh........A local tow company, the mans last name was Bear...lol is going to raise the T-rex at no cost. He plans on doing this before the mini golf weather sets in. He hass plenty of time...lol I am sure in 40* wind chill of 27* not too many mini golfers are making their way to noisy Rt 1..........Reporting live from my kitchen PC this is your reporter Stephie...Back to you at the studio.......LOL LOL
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:41 PM 5 comments
Shop, Iron. Pack..pack pack......
It is almost cruise time and I am as excited as a kid on Christmas morn. I am also as unhappy as a kid on the first day of school.(UGH) I am not the type to choose to fly so this plane thing has been eating away in my head. I am not scared of it, I am just wigged out with not being in control and the small confining space of it. The head thing does not help also. To my knowledge this trip was sprung on me as a surprise from Michael and the kids. On April 26th we will be married 15 wonderful years, so this is our Aniversary trip. As many of you may know the Disney freak in me only allows me to go to Disney.......I say no to Island trips or anything other than Orlando parks. I just love it and the kids have always too. Ryan stated that they are "all Disneyed out". Since they are older they do still enjoy Universal/Islands of Adventure. So Michael knowing this wanted to have the type of trip that would allow us to be with the kids, he knows I do not travel without them and still be able to have them at the Teen/Clubhouse place while we have a date night and I day to be with eachother. I has been getting things in order and have the need to iron everything and then reiron when we get there. Yeah thats me. I feel lik ethis is a never ending task to pack. The worst thing is the Hb&a's that can not go in the carry on. They have to be in the suitcase and packed away. I guess once we get there and get the plane ride over with I will be less worried. He made sure and I mean MADE SURE it was a direct flight b/c I HATE up/down/up/down. Not my kind of travel. I am heading off to know try on last years capris and shirts. Lets just hope for my sake that there will be no more shopping...lol Michael will have a bird.....lol lol Have a great night....Stay warm b/c it is freeezzzing here........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:13 PM 10 comments
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Have a Happy Easter
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 5:07 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 06, 2007
I love Dimples Teddy!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 9:37 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
A visit with Nana T
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 10:06 AM 6 comments
Monday, April 02, 2007
Words to live by......

I got an e-mail today and these words were apart of it.......With this being Holy Week and leading up to Easter Sunday I wanted to share. By His dying we have forgiveness, by His rising we have everlasting life. May you all feel the true and unconditional love that God gives to us through His Son, Jesus.......Blessings........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:31 PM 3 comments