Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You Could Definitely Be a Vegetarian

You would make a great vegetarian - if you aren't one already.

You're adventurous enough to try all sorts of new veggie foods...

And your commitment to animal welfare will motivate you to stay meat free!

Your Weight is Ideal

Your BMI is 24.9 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25

Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height.

Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy.

So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy!

Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on!

Your Body is 28 Years Old

Your body is younger than it should be. Congratulations!

You're taking good care of yourself, and it's definitely paying off.

Whether it's by accident or by choice, you're living a very healthy lifestyle.

Keep it up, and you're likely to live a long, vibrant life.

off to my one year vist, shy of one day...but whos counting!

Day 364...wow who would of thunk...lol it will be one year tomorrow when I made a vow
to walk a different path to better health. It is a commitment I make everyday not just during weight reduction. I will live my "lifetime" of wellness for a lifetime. My new journey is like a rebirth. I am living life and eating to nourish my body, I do not eat to fill anything but the hunger of my psychical. I am no longer a practicing food addict. It is some what like a drunk who can not get through life without a drink or many drinks. They can love without booze but food we need food to live. It is what and how you consume that food that makes you no longer dependent like a junkie. I am no longer that food junkie and I scream it to the world...I am not a closet eater nor will I eat for comfort of masking or hiding feelings. I've come a lonnnggg way baby! I eat to live not live to eat.
I am sure at my visit today I will get praises from all departments but it is so not about the validation of others it is from my own heart and appreciation of how I live that makes me go on and strive to always be a healthy me! 4-29-08 is a new "anniversary" date in my book and in my heart. I look forward to report 15 years from now, 20 even 25 that very anniversary with pride and sustained health and journey of success. I WILL DO THIS< I did do this and will continue. If I can do it any person with the right mind set and WANT/DESIRE can. I tried in '01 and lost 80lbs but did not have the proper tools for success or the positive mind set for long term goal. NOW I DO! I can't thanks the folks at NSMC cardiovascular heart and wellness enough for those tools, support and love for their jobs. It is more than a job to them it is to help change and make healthy the lives of their patience. I LOVE U NSMC.....Malinda, Maureen, Jo-Ann esply., Dr. whats your name lol so hard to spell and pronounce "K" lol lol Dr. B.. and BC/BS for approving this costly but well worth it for my health and longevity program. From the bottom of my now extreamly healthy heart I am thankful!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

4-26-92 the day we said "I DO"

17 years since that day and I still feel like a young bride. In love with my sweetie. A lot has happen in 17 years but it feels like yesterday and it also feels like a blink of an eye for those years gone by. Our two sons have grown so quickly and havin had them young I feel like i grew up with them in a scence. I weigh so much less today than I did 17 years ago, I find that mind blowing. Most gals say if I could only fit into my wedding dress again...well no thanks here..lol I would get a new one, not that I did't like my dress from the 90's but shape wise and size wise it would so be differnt. We can still look in eachothers eyes and melt eachothers hearts and for that we are blessed. Luv u sweetie..xooxoxoxo Love your Jelly Bean

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wheatgrass Friends

We had a blast today..I ate the best peppers ever..lol We had tons of laughs and were Beachmontin it out...Next time we will make our way to THE New Hampshire so Katie can have us near the log cabins..lol : )
feelin so good today b/c I had a hit in the morn then one in the afternoon

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fun with Evan and Owen

At the park tonight we had a blast. I love going there with lil ones. S and Ry watched them so I could do my power walk then auntie got to play at the equiptment. So much fun...Back to aunties for spinkle cupcakes and vanilla icecream. Owen said they were the best he has tasted..lol Love those boys...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I need a hit...lol

Two days without Wheatgrass...I NEED A HIT! DO I sound like an addict. Well I AM...And proud of it. Yes my dear 22 year old owner/pal with the natural currly hair that girls would die to have said he gave his supplier a piece of his mind this morn. LOL Last time he was out I got a free shot the next day . We will se eif my back and forth 2x's renders a free hit! lol. He too is feeling the need b/c he said he takes 3 a day. He is an earthy crunchy guy who goes to Salem State p/t AND owns Souls Bean. Kudos to you Chris. And Lucy his side kick is a doll. She agrees with my holding of the nose to gulp it. I gave her the idea and we did a hit together. For now I wait, he said by 3 today it should be in. Call first. I said I would be there when I get Ry at Masco at 3 b/c he is staying after for some Spanish help. HOLA! His dealer better come through...LOL LOL Dawns right if I grew it myself and had my own extractor I would not be in withdrawals. This sooo sounds funny does it not...so for now I just eat my Soy pita with spianch and red pepper.
Ah I got my hit..lol two shots for the price of one....he takes care of me..lol I was trying to get this 20 something kid in front of me to do a shot but he was a woosie lol

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My favorite place Border Cafe'... O Le'

Going soon for lunch in Burlington to the Border Cafe. A new one opened in Saugus but when we tried last week the wait was over an hour long so no way Jose' lol Gonna get my veggies all sizzlin' fajita style and some blackbeans. YUM YUM....no rice no meat not tortillias...just veggies and beans...off we go...and Mamas goona get some new brazirs..lol TMI but hey ywhen u loose 146lbs the new bra is a nessesity. O Le

Thursday, April 09, 2009

2 signs my car should sport

It is illegal to have a student driver sign on your vehicle if you are not an official driving school. Learned that info at the 2 hour class for parents. Though it would be cool to have that on when a new learning teen is int he car. I must say though he drives really really well. We had to work on taking turns onto streets at a slower speed b/c the first few times it felt like we were gonna two wheel it. We were told by Mario the driving school owner with the best Italian accent lol that when he took him for his first lesson he was really a confident driver. He does not get nervous well maybe when I over react lol no not me....I have been really so much better. He has his second road lesson on Monday at night. I had him drive at night in the rain mind you. He was fine but I wasn't lol ....So goes the riding places with me in the passenger seat.....thats just weird still....

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

40 benefits of the best stuff out there....I swear by it.

I took one shot of the stuff and was like I am hooked. Though I hold my nose I will not lie. The stuff makes the skin radient and it makes u feel wonderful.

Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the first product of light and contains more light energy than any other element.

Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects.

Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.

Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.

Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.

Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and it uses up very little body energy.

Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria.

Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal with four to five days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals that were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.

Farmers in the American midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)

Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.

Wheatgrass has what is called the "grass juice factor," which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.

Dr. Ann Wigmore helped people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.

Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them, and rebuilds and rejuvenates them.

Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr. Earp Thomas, an associate of the late Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery, and so on.

Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.

Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.

Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.

Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.

Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even removes scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.

In the 1940 American Journal of Surgery, Benjamin Cruskin, MD recommended chlorophyll to: clear up foul-smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.

Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.

A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet prevents tooth decay.

Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches and poisons from gums.

Gargle with wheatgrass juice for a sore throat.

For pyorrhea of the mouth, lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass. Spit outthe pulp.

Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.

Wheatgrass juice keeps the hair from graying.

By taking wheatgrass juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality and experience a sense of well-being.

Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.

It is great for blood disorders of all kinds.

Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.

Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4-ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain or 20 minutes.

Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.

Dr. Max Bircher, a research scientist, inventor of muesli, and founder of the famed Bircher-Benner Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.... It is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulating properties, cannot be compared with any other. "

According to Dr. Bircher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins.

Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.

Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure as it enhances the capillaries.

Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
Dr.Oz spoke of this and said there are people out there that are in the best shape ever b/c of the oral intake of the stuff. I am not gonna brow beat antone into it I just have to cry off the Hill top if River St I LOVE WHEATGRASS! It would not be right to keep it to myself....

Monday, April 06, 2009

Monday Update

Not much to report,well maybe there is..lol I usually work Mondays but had to have June take my hours b/c she needed days off during Holy Week. SO I am "On CALL" chances are slim I will be needed. Just did a 3 mile walk and tone vid. with 5 lb weights and 3 lb ankle things.Just waiting for the Comcast man or woman to come and look at the dvr box thing b/c the bad weather Fri. night made it nuts. Had left over concoction from this weekends Acai' "soup" making for breakfast. Michael consumed only half of the stuff I made him, atleast he ate half of the "good" stuff and a half of a bagel. Last night I had a bad reaction to beans which I never do but I think b/c the beans had a sauce that did it. Was in ab pain like labor. UGh....got over that and fell to sleep early. Lookin forward t othe Hills tonight! LOL I AM! Have to take S to golf at 220 and Ry to Lax 3pm then p/u both then dinner then Confmtn. Pre class. A long day. Lookin forward to an outdoor walk with Jane today after Comcast leaves before the rain hits to go by Soul Bean and get a "shot" lol of wheat grass.
Had a blast hostin Julies party Sat. night. He friends/classmates that are all inthe MASTERS program and are about to gradute WHOOT WHOOT Julie I give her tons of credit getting her MASTERS in OT. It was a loooong gruling program that should have some kind of medical degree in it b/c it was like med school practcly. Well these 15 people in the grad program came over after the conferance they held for OT people in the State of MASS...Hugh indertaking, I di dmy Stephie magic of cooking and making it look like Bree Vandacamp was in the house lol with the help of Cassie of course. So I tried to get them on the Wheat Grass wagon..lol One gal Curly D said she is into cleansing ect so she was more than willing to seek out the WG. Yeah Curly D. I love and have a new BFF lol Patty. We are like two peas in a pod....So back to the party....Patty got all of them Salem State Shot glasses for favors. lol One of the "GRADS" said oh where did you get these...I was like ok I may not have my MASTERS but I really can figure that one out..lol I said I think she got them at the BU book store...lol LOL LOL LOL That was a "STEPHIE" for sure. They were like she is a funny one. So as you know I am NOT a drinker by no means and never drink and did not that night as all other nights, never was one for peer presure lol So the only guy in the program who is never one to be upped with come backs so his wife stated. Said oh come on one just one shot with us we are toasting to your awesome cookin I said in the most serious voice/face no sorry I am a recovering alcholic of 5 years now and if I fall off the wagon now my mentor will be so dissapointed she is up stairs Julies mother and that will not be good. So he felt soooo bad and was like dude I am so sorry. He then says (I still have a serious face) how about a shot of cranberry juive I said once again and ta boot I am a diabetic...lol Then again this half trashed Phil was like dude I am so sorry that u have all these things against u. Good for u for being so displined. SO then I let out this hugh laugh and Julie was lookin all confused like huh and the wife of Phil was like ILOVE IT u so got him...He felt so bad for me and then was like ur good ur like the girl version of me and my sassieness. LOL LOL I was a funny one and that was a classic "Stephie" So I left after cleanin up best I could, they stayed longer but I was tired so I went home to see quiet M lol He was asked to come but declined. It waould of been funny to be a fly on the wall it was a hoot. Fun time. They weer like between u n Phil we would of reaked havic in the program lol lol lol Yeah Sunday was a good day I Love Sundays always have always will. The Pearys are great people had some laughs with them. Good times good times. Took a long walk in the awesome weather yesterday at the park. I guess that is the weekend in a nit shell. Have a great week.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

luv this place


I have been outa the blog loop....