Sunday, November 26, 2006

Repair the roof day.....

Mr. Raf had a roof leaky leaky leak..on on his roof he had some turkeys, peck/ peck/ peck/ peck peck.........So on this morning he had to climb...up! up! up! up! up! fix the roof that had a leak bang! bang! bang! bang! bang.............

So listen up you wild turkeys STOP pecking the roof........go peck some trees.......
What a nice thing to hear bright and early on a Sunday morn.......Stephen can sleep through it, as for Ryan he is making sure that all is going well up there....soon he will be able to help fix the roof.........

Friday, November 24, 2006

Morning People.......

Yup THAT ME! It is now 5:03 am I have been up almost an hour now. IT IS "BLACK FRIDAY". Got to be at the workshop @ 530 so I had to get up and "do my things". I am off to the biggest shopping day of the year, to work of course, not to spend.....I am far from one to shop on this day. The best place to be is the supermarket. Not a soul in sight b/c they all over gorged from yesterday and do not need to get food items. As for the dept/mall/chain stores I am sure it would send my head spinning. I refuse to give in to the "hurry 500am sales". Yeah, you go get your bargain I bougth what I needed to buy...weeks ago at a real sale, with normal stores hours........So if you are heading out to the stores bright and early I say UGH to you.....Stay home take a day off break and up.....Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are 32 days away..........enjoy your day...I better not see you shopping lol
Beacuse of the early morn ( I NEVER take naps) I crashed at 400 today till 600 and woke up a confused and dazed person. It was very busy today and we sold lots of gift cards as well as stuff. Note Now until Christmas if you spend $35. or over you can get a ten dollar gift card for half off....Ok who gets that???I hope you all do....What a time trying to have people understand it....YOU PAY $5.00 and the gift card is a TEN dollar card....Now that is 50% off of the card ...I swear some people just can not GET the
SO hint hint Nancy.....get Drews bear soon and get a half off gift card while you are at it..........

Thursday, November 23, 2006

"A Thanksgiving Miracle"

Many here in the North Shore of Massachusetts are celebrating a true blessing this morn, being thankful to have their lives in tact. Yesterday at 250am a HUGH explosion went off about 6 miles or so away from our house. ( I heard a weird noise and was like was I dreaming)The residence of Danvers were shook like an earthquake. Houses near the boom were leved. It was said that they were lucky to have been laying in bed b/c if standing they would of been hit with major glass. Our store had a bit of damage as well as the mall only 2 miles away. Reports as far as southern ME and NH felt the rock also. The New England home for the deaf has 40 displaced residence and many families are living with friends and realitives. I could say what a sad thing and go on and on about how "aweful" this is. I am going to make it a point to state that not ones life was lost in this tragdy and that minor injuries were fixed and sent home the very same day. It is being called a "Thanksgiving Miracle"..............SO as we give thanks today with our familes and friends let us remember all those who are apart from their loved ones and pray for the lives spared in such a horrible explosion. They may not have the "things" in their houses but to have life and love of others,,,,,,,,the blessing of health and well being is a wonderful thing.........God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.......

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to my one true love.....

Every November 22nd I get up and give a birthday hug and kiss to my one and only TRUE love. This morn I had to wake him for that hug and kiss because I was out the door at 5am to unload the truck today. He did not mind the early wake up because he loves the kisses and good wishes. I make it a point to tell him his age (hehehe) and let him also know I will always be 4 years younger...(hehe) This is the year before a big ONE! The big 4-OH is 365 days away next turkey day....It will be forty years next year that he was born right on Thanksgiving. I love to hear the story of how my father-in-law ate a turkey club sandwich from the hospital calf THAT Thanksgiving Day. Michaels 2 year old brother sat home with Nonie and Papa and had the BEST dinner ever that my mother-in-law "whipped" up before she went into labor. Not one of her 4 boys were small ones, Michael was called a big turkey when he was born. lol......He is far from a turkey....he is the sweetest nicest calmest quietest gentelest man you would ever meet. ( Except when I bent the bumper to his truck LOL).....So to you Michael, I wish you a happy day and a year blessed with love. Love you then, now and always........Your Browneyed Girl.....

Monday, November 20, 2006

This week....

there is lots to do! Thanksgiving fast approaching and good cooking to be done. I think the worst part is the shopping because the entire town is out at the market it seems like at the same time. To help experdite the process I go t oanother town to shop so that I do not have to say the 30 hellos knowing that I am a social butterfly. Really I drive 9 miles furthur north or 6 miles south for a differnt Market Basket, or as Ry used to call it Maskit Baskit. They have the best prices compared to the larger chains and you get alot for the money without bogo's and "sale" items it is always a great price. If I had it in me I would trea up to Salem NH to the SUPER Walmart but that is a haul and a mob of a crowd. So try to remember (I will take my own advise to heart too) do not loose sight if what this fourth Thursday of the month means. It is not just about good food, it is being thankful for the blessings of family and friends: health and love. God Bless, enjoy your week of prep for the upcoming Thanksgiving........

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My result...BOSTON....REALLY NOW!

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: Boston

You definitely have a Boston accent, even if you think you don't. Of course, that doesn't mean you are from the Boston area, you may also be from New Hampshire or Maine.

I took that online test What accent do you have and I got Boston..... How weird.....NOT!

If you ever spoke with me ya could so tell and know I am a true Bostonian,,,,,,,,,

Friday, November 17, 2006


As I was thinking about the movie last night, drinking my juice smoothie at the breakfast bar I went into the "papers drawer" and took out the little Hallmark book Normie got me a few Christmases back. It is titled "Conversations with Remarkable Children on Friendship". It is a little book with really cute drawings of childrens views and comments on friendship. Some are so funny like A friend is someone who tells your mom when you broke your leg going down the slide backwards when you told them not to do it" (good advice huh?) I got to the page of the book I was revisiting and the heart that she put around this comment turned on the water works just like the first time we read it together. A four year old wrote "Having a friend is better than having a sister sometimes"...........A heart was drawn around that quote and Norma wrote some really sweet personal words. Well lets say more water works..........She may not read this post for a few weeks since DSL and the computer may take a while but when you do "girlfriend" RIGHT BACK AT YA.......We may not live close but my heart is always with you and one of the other children quoted said it well "..even if you are not standing by their side, you know they are with you in your heart and soul, not every kid could have a heart friend" Well Normie you are my longest and dearest HEART FRIEND EVER>>>>>I LOVE YOU>>>>>>STAY SAIN! Love your little friend Stephie.......xoxoxoxo

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Look at my Happy Feet.....

Bearbuilder perk # 7, getting to see Happy Feet the Movie for free at IMAX 3D before it is out ......
YUP I am going tonight BABY! I get to see Mumble, Gloria, Lovelace, and Ramon dance their happy feet away......How cool is that? I will let you know how awesome the movie is on Friday (the day it comes out) But yes I get to see it first with my fellow bearbuilders. You know how the firemen have the brotherhood, well we have the bearhood......Bearhood code of honor, to build the best, loving and huggy bears ever!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lincoln and Kennedy

History Lesson
AJB you might like this one you are the politics King............
And to all who may want to know some info about our history.....It is weird...I tell you....
Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head. Now it ge ts rea lly weird. Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln . Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Bo oth, w ho assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters. Now hang on to your seat. Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.' Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford.' Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. And here's the kicker... A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe. Creepy huh? Send this to as many people as you can, cause: Hey, this is one history lesson people don't mind reading

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Monday AGAIN!

Like I am reporting anything you don't already know. I am sure you realize what day it is. Just wanted to throw it out there that Monday is here the start of yet another week. Hope your day flies by and hump day comes fast, after hump day it should be all down hill. The Holidays are fast approching because the hours, days and weeks just swoosh on by. In preperation for the upcoming "food fest" we call Thanksgiving Michael and I were on a three day Fiber Fast this long weekend, I am happy to report it was very sucessful. He and I ate only steamed or non cooked veggie with steel cut oats (they were not as good as regular oatmeat) and 2 sevings of fruit a day and tons of H2O w/lime/lemon or apple cider vingar. What a treat. I am glad we are back to other foods today, but we are making really good choices of healthy foods. (thats the plan) I will tell you this my energy level was through the roof and my skin is so smooth. I have a friend who does this every 4 weeks and she says it is great for your digestive system to clean out and start over. I really want ot do this a few more days but was told by her that three days is the most efective and then continue to eat based on the Pericone way. I am sure you have heard of that guy. He can be googled. SO that is my update for the start of a fresh cleaned out new week...........Off to the gray dreary hum hum of a Monday........and to a bowl of REAL oatmeal....not that steel cut chewey stuff............

Saturday, November 11, 2006

What a great day!

This weather today has been so wonderful. Pickin' up leaves and throwin' the football around has been loads of fun. When you come in from the warm air you could smell the spring like smell in the clothes. It may be November but the day has felt like early April. As I look out the kitchen slider and admire Chestnut (the name I gave the horse next door) on the hill I look down to the grass and admire how leaveless and green it looks. It is a pretty site that I will long for in weeks down the line. When the white blanket hits I will admire it but have stress of the winter concept.
I can not express enough how greatful I am to have this view right now that puts me in a happy mood. Lets hope and wish for many more days of this because I thrive for these days.....enjoy yours and breath in a fresh breath of warmth.....

Friday, November 10, 2006

Spaghetti Squash!

Spaghetti squash is a great alternative to pasta.

I has a few carbs but lots of fiba (fiber).

It taste great with a drizzel of EVOO (extra vergin olive oil)

Top with lots of parsley, pepper and grated asiago cheese

It is a meal in itself, just like a bowl of pasta without all the carbs

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rain Rain!!!!!!!!!

Rain rain go away don't come back another day if you do I will cry because I can not see the sunshine................I NEED SUNSHINE AND I NEED IT NOW>>>>>>>>>
I know it is 10:26pm but enough with the clouds and rain. I can stand cold IF the sun will shine while it is cold. SUN give me sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I like the SUN?

Lets see if the rain 456am on Thursday morn of course the sun is not yet up but will it peek it's way out today,,,,It is not looking promising.....I need some natural Vitamin D.

Glad to report that driving home from school p/u today the sun was shining so very brigth that I put on my sunglasses and was so thrilled to see it.....Yippie for the sun........

Hump Day!

Wednesdays are bitter sweet, they feel like you are half way there at the same time you have half way to go! Something to ponder. While driving home from youth group last night after Christain got out of the car Stephen said that on a four day school week it seems that it goes by slower than a long week. I have to agree with him. I am so looking forward to the four of us being home on Friday. We have running around to do but not until noon. Can not wait for the "Royal Breakfast" (that is what the boys call a big homemade breakfast of Eggs, frenshtoast bake, saug/fruit/grilled english muffin tops and hot cocoa not from a packet homemade with melted cocoa and I have your attention?) I made myself drull while typing since I had an apple and a glass of soy milk this morn. That does not compare to the Royal Breakfast. So go off into the hum drum cloudyhump we call Wednesday with the notion that Friday WILL get here before you know it and keep thinkin of LONG WEEKEND...LONG WEEKEND.. LONG WEEKEND........Repeat after me LONG WEEKEND..Enjoy your day!

Monday, November 06, 2006

C-Section weirdness! not for the faint and wossie....

As we were folding clothes and ironing this evening the TV was on and we were watching Inside Edition.(I had to look away and block my ears)! Now I had two children one natural (no drugs what so ever) and one an emergency c-section, he came early. I have also watched many TLC Baby Stories to see that when having a c-sec you should not be able to feel them cutting and prying the baby outor be in so much pain you feel that you are "near death". I do however know that a little feeling of pulling is to be felt. Seeing Anna Nicole Smith's homemovie of the birth of her daughter was agony. First you have a women who looked like she was on drugs, not the legal kind and second she claims that the epadoral did not work (Jane please help with the spelling Mrs. Anesthesiologist). OUCH and ewww is all I can say. ANS is known for being a drama queen so is it all an act like her stunts in the past or was she really in awful pain. I would not wish that kind of pain on anyone so I do hope it was all for the cameras. If it was true pain I feel really bad that she had to endure a surgery without proper anesthetics. If not and she was "puttin' on an act" then ugh to her. I wish her well with her new baby and feel so bad about the loss of her son. I hope she can find love with the Howard lawyer guy that I knew all along she was with during her awful reality show. I am and have always been a reality show junkie and watch even the most horrible shows being reality based. So I admit I did watch that show and hated every second of it...I always said she was with Howard I just could tell.........ANS God Bless you and Danni Lynn!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Off to the movies!

As you all know I LOVE to entertain.......About two weeks ago we had a group of friends that we haven't seen in a long time over for Sunday dinner. We have shared years of friendship through Michael working with most of them, they have moved on but as for Michael he is still in his long term relationship with the bank.(lol...21years and counting)(atleast we know he is commited)When I cook I always make sure to count for leftovers. It is the Italian in me that has to have enough and more for a croud. I sent them all home with containers full of yummy treats. Well I must say Savy was the only one that sent the containers back and put a little treat in them for us, 4 movie passes. Was that just so sweet. We never go to the movies b/c it is very expensive for 4 of us. We wait for the DVD to come out and watch it at home. We are so excitted to head out this morn to see the 12:00 show of Santa Clause 3!!!! I will let you know how it was, I am sure it will be a good one. We have enjoyed the other two so this is the final in the triligy. Have a great fall day. And stay warm, it is really getting chilly these days. I guess it has to happen at some point and I have to acept it............Bear Hugin' and Lovin'...Stephie

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Palm Beach Fl. VS. The Trumpster

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Palm Beach Florida officials are mad at the Trupmster, who has the moto "bigger is better" for flying a really large American Flag at his Florida estate. I guess it is @ 80 feet in the air and zoning for signs can not go that high. I did not know that our flag is now a SIGN. Also PB said that it makes the area look like a car dealer strip mall. Are the PB officials that snob stricken that the American Flag represents cardealers? UGH! The funny thing is if Trump does not lower the flag by a certain date he will be fined $250.00 per day until it is. Well if I were Trump and had the cashola that he had I would pay daily for the flag to fly high. I do know and understand every place has zoning laws ect. but in this case I just think it is funny that a man with all his money will be taken to court for a flag that is too high. the legal bills and pay the 250 per day as long as you can afford it...And I am so sure he can. I guess Milania will have to go without 14K gold wraped candy for a few days...Not that she looks like she even ate a piece of candy in her life........LOL LOL

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My 1st Build a Bear Ever!

Thanks to my boss Dana (as well as friend) I have my 1st BAB ever! I named her Holly Jolly and she has red & green bows, a really cute present on her paws and is a cute white maltipoo. (the newest of the kennel Pals collection due out today) I guess those are the perks of being a bearbuilder! Got her yesterday as a Thank You from the Boss Lady. We had our holiday kick off party/meeting. As you all know retail has a six week busy period from black Friday(day after Thanksgiving) to Christmas Eve.......THEN the 2 weeks after Christmas are nuts! All the little cuties are coming in to redeem the girt cards and have some fun over Christmas break. I hosted this years party for the love of entertaining and the love of cookin for a crowd! SO a great big Thanks for my BAB! She is well loved and will look great under the tree when it goes up the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Have a Holly Jolly doggy day!