The post under this one is from the original one and I am now going to be forever STEPHIE SAYS......
Monday, May 29, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Well here goes.......????? I am clue less when it comes to this stuff
OK ......I love to post on my best friend of 25+ yrsblog & have been thinking,so many these days are Blogging I may try my hand at it. If any og you have read my posts "Stephie" in the past you will see spelling is not the best attribute I possess. There could be worse things in life I am sure. I hope that I am veiwed as a person who loves, and cares forothers and puts 110% in what ever I am doing at that given moment. I think my biggest accomplishment in life is being a loving and faithful wife and most of all a diehard devoted mother. I think I am going to be down the line the type of mother that will just die when the "big day" comes for the boys to "leave the nest". I have been a mom to them for all of my adult life. I only knew @two years of adulthood without a husband or children. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that I have been blessed with this life but I wonder 5-10 years from know am I going to die inside without my boys by my side all the time? It all started in December of 1990, I met Michael for the first time personally. I used to look at him from afar as he took my bank transaction when I was a mear highschool girl cashing one of my 3 paychecks. Yes I said "3". I can not be faulted for not being a hardworker or go getter. I had to pay for my own car and my own things and most of all High School, Pope John XXIII, a place I begged to go and NEEDED to go. Yes they wanted to send me for free to East Boston High but how could a Catholic School girl of 8 years go to the "Big Bad Eastie?". Sorry to get off track, So as I would cash my pay I would look at this "older guy" and say what a cute stomach he has...Yes a cute stomach. A teller is viewed from the waist up. Yes he had awesome hair dark and feathered oh so 80's and I loved how he dressed. I always would think he is "way too old". I knew of his really cute brother that was my age and had a debate with myself on who was cutest. Well we know in the end who won that contest. Not only did he have a put together look and a go getter way about him he was the nicest guy ever. But he was "old". When you are in 12th grade and your bank teller is in his 5th year at Northeastern University that is OLDER........Am I right? I bet I would freak if I has a daughter and she was like hey see my boyfriend he is graduating too.......COLLEGE!!!!!UGH.......Well to make a long story longer...hehehehehe We met around Christmas and had lots of friends and fun on New Years Eve of 1991. Yeah my boyfriend SMACK at the time had a nice time with the gang too....Opps...forgot to mention....yup there was someone in the picture........soon to be put because it was too much to handle the redneck person he was. So in May of '91 we started to see eachother often, lunch dates, walks in parks "just friends" and then came the kiss. No guy ever asked to kiss me so this was like being on a cloud. He was the sweetest most romantic boy ever. So we go from May to Christmas....yes 7 months "will you be my wife and spend all of your days with me" was the most special thing to be said on the eve of Christmas Day. He said right after New Years we are looking to buy a house? House? what? we are like 20 and 24 who buys a house at that age...well someone who is the biggest saver EVER.........He is a quiet as I am peppy, he is as thrifty as I am in the market to spend the money(Normie would beg to differ, she sees me as also being very smart with money, I really am not giving myself enough credit I really am not bad with $ just not as tight as Michael). So we buy a house rent it out for the year and 4 months we are planning the wedding. Make lots of money to pay the mortgage and save to re-had this Brady Bunch decor of a house and have time to fall deeper in love. We made our commitment on April 26th 1992.....I thought I wanted to have a Feb. Wedding but one, I HATE winter and two I would not even be legal to drink....How funny would that be "no do not serve the bride she is not legal yet" >>>>and not prego either.Wow an Eastie girl at 21 and not getting married because she has too.....Now that's different. So we had our Lombardos wedding, if you know Eastie you know Lombardos.....We got a hugh discount because he worked there part time yes three jobs for him 2.5 for me.........And we still got to see eachother. I will write ALL about the wedding in a future Blog...There (of course) is a story behind that. SO we have the ARUBA honeymoon and get back. Well there came a day early June when I made the call to Normie....."Normie, are you sitting down? We are having a baby"...Well she was the phone call I was scared to make...really she was.......I am thinking she is going to think I am crazy off the wall too soon...ect........So it all sunk in and this is what we were to do I know we were blessed early to have these boys b/c we could "grow-up" with them. Funny thing my son Stephen who is now 13 jokes at how old his parents are....OK Stephen do you realize I had you 4 days before my 22nd bithday. yes 4 days...we even forgot it was my bithday the week we came home with him because he was the only thing that mattered at the time. If it wasn't for my mother in law to call and wish me a Happy B-Day I would of forgot all together. As for Michael, we are .........celebrating 14 fun filled,fast ,loving wonderful years together and beat the odds of "you marry young and split up young" ...Well that is not us. We will be well under 50 when we celebrate our 25th Aniversary. Like all happily married couples we plan to grow old together(he will be older first hehehehe) and still think we look like young whipper snappers. I have been told by a few people I do look younger than he does a bit younger I think that is b/c of his deep black (no longer feathered) hair has gone salt and pepper. It is a great look on him so distiquished(so they say for men) and it as thick as the summer day is long. So with Michael by my side and Stephen and Ryan getting to their tween/teen years there is no other place I was meant to be but with them (no matter how young I am) and live out the days in a sleepy little town (almost w/ mayor status hehehehe) with my guys.............*****Even if I was legal or not I do not drink I have something about it that just never apealed to me and I am not at all in need of it*****So I was meant to be a mom of two and a proud wife of a man who commits to all that he does....By the way he is still at the same bank (hehehe) where he started as a teller in 1986. Yup 20 years with them and 14 years with me. No he moved up the ladder, VP Mtg. Operations...So if you have your loan with EBSB he may audit you ..make sure you pay the morgage,,,,,hehehehehe
posted by Stephanie Raft @ 6:35 PM 3 comments
About Me
Name:Stephanie Raft
Location:Middleton, Massachusetts, United States
Like the bears I stuff, I am full of love and fun times.I will always be there fur you. Bear Huggin' and Lovin'
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Well here goes.......????? I am clue less when it comes to this stuff
May 2006
This is a paragraph of text that could go in the sidebar.
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Soliders ........May we honor thee.....
Today we went to Barnes and Nobel Books like many weekends my sons and I like to smell the "new book" smell. We are mostly library people as to not spend the cash, read and return for others to do the same. Yesterday Stephen my oldest dug for 3 hours on his grandparents yard for the footings for a new deck. His hard work paid off with nanna sending him home with $50.00.....Yes 13 yrs old 50.00 in 3 or so hours ....Nice I do not make that kind of money in 3 hours lol .........So anyway.........At the book store Stephen purchased 4 books about soliders past and present. The older cashier was pleased to see the interest from a "smart young man" on this Memorial Day. She at first thought it was for a school project but he informed her it was pleasure reading. She was then even more inpressed. I am glad to see that both of my sons have an interest in the Freedom of this great counrty we call USA.............We are sending out thanks and respect to all those who have and still serve today......God Bless the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 3:12 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Chestnut Beauty up the hill......
Next to our house is a really really long driveway. It should be named a street b/c it is almost 1/2 mile long. Living on the land on the way top of the hill to the two homes in a beauty of a horse. The horse has not been out for a while since the rains and we wondered where it could be? I do not know if it is male or female. We are very friendly people but do not have any contact but a freindly wave from a passing car to our neighbors. I was once stopped by the "new" people who built one of the houses up that hill and was asked about my "pet turkeys" YUP MY PET turkeys//////NOT..........I explanied to the women in the hugh bright yellow Hummer that they are wild and since we built 5 years ago they have always been around. Some nights in the summer they come on the front stairs and take a flyin leap to the trees and sleep there at night. So that is about all I ever said to the Hum V driving neighbor. I know the horse is very well taken care of. It always has nice "clothes" on in the winter and has a shed looking thing half way up the hill. We walked up there once before the construction was complete on Thanksgiving a year ago with the family and have not been up since b/c private way is posted at the bottom. Our yard is used often by the two children who live up there when the school bus leaves them off. I guess it saves them 1/4 of mile to cut through than to make the long asphalt trip up. Now that the greenery is growing I think they would have to take the black trail. I know bugs are in abundance these days and ticks are an issue. I often get to type from the desk that over looks the area that the chestnut beauty is on. Looking from our slider I see how gentle it is and how sweet this animal could be. So as the breeze flows into the house and I stare at this stallion I cherish the sun and the breeze that only spring could bring.
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 4:12 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 26, 2006
"The Long Weekend"
The "long weekend" at the end of May always meant the start of some fun times and long nights to come. I never really got the TRUE meaning of getting the Monday off. In about 1990 I was awaken when a local cable news station had a tribute to the local soliders over seas on our first Gulf War. I recall tow names that were being honered fro their service and remembered my husband saying those family names at one time or another during our engagement. It really hit close to home to know boys close to our age had brothers that put their life on the line for our freedom. There never was a time that I was blind to this b/c I held my grandfather and uncle with high respect for serving in the Marines. It was just a hugh awakening to be able to relate on a peer level. SO as we fire up the bar bes and roast the dogs don't forget why we are free today b/c of the men and women who serve everyday. God Bless America and Watch over our Troops on American and Foreign soil............God Bless the USA
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Here comes the sun!!!
A wonderful day full of sunshine is a good sign. If only the days here in New England could always be this nice. I know in life you have to take the good with the bad. We are a society that wants all GOOD.........So is it that aweful of me to ask for sunny, bright, warm days? I think not. SO thanks to the clear skys and the warm spring breezes, may you all stop to smell a tulip or too.......Green grass and fresh air for everyone!
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Going to hear him sing, or just fake it.
Tonight is my oldest son Stephens 2nd music concert of the year. We had pleasure to hear his jr high class sing some really "nice" songs. Well lets start off with the parking situation. Masconomet Regional J/S High School is a 3 town situation and it is the hardest thing to park so we have a hell of a time with that. I am all for the "extra" learning and I think music helps with learning but don't MAKE these kids want to scream that they HAVE to sing and be on stage in front of a crowd. I know Stephen as shy as the sun on a hot July day so this is not the issue. It is that he has no interest what so ever but is being MADE to do this. Funny thing he goes on first which is good for us because we have to leave when h eis done to make space for the next groups parents to see their children "Sing". I was told by this very honest 13 year old of mine that lots of boys and girls alike "fake it" they lip sink and only a few really die hard singers carry them through the concert. He said he does do a lil bit of singing because he always comes home with an A+ fro the class. I just had the notion that ALL the students got A+ just for taking the class I guess I was incorrect. So off we got to the wild blue yonder flying high in the parking lot lol ....Yes that is one og the songs along with the "Sponge BOB Square Pants" song yes 7th grade? beats me.......Oh and the best is that on June 5th yet another concert to attend Yes we are so happy to report Ryan in the 4th grade ALSO gets to sing his heart out. Well I am positive he is a "faker" he as as shy as the shy is gray on a rainy day....Have a good night..........I still can not find those ear plugs from the Y..........
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 5:14 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
What to cook?
Ya know it is that time of the day and you just want to order takeout but you don't because first, it is not cheep and second, it is not cheep. So you have the stuff thta is left from last weeks shopping a mish mash of stuff that may or may not go together and may seem like you put half the effort into it. SO I guess we will have to do the safe soup and sandwich. Wow these guys are going to be looking for food really soon after dinner. What else is new when it comes to feeding growing tall boys.
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 4:32 PM 0 comments
WOW! I really am bad at this stuff.......
So ...
here is the new BLOG site....I was up so late last night that I really forgot all the password stuff ect....So here goes......A NEW SET-UP.........With a very helpful suggestion from JMW my bestest friends man ......a wonderful guy, my new Blog is Stephie says.......hehehehe I like that Jim.
On the other entry from last night I did have lots to say..........I really had fun thinking out loud, some may say I had diarrea of the keyboard. lol lol
As I was driving home from a busy day of bear building I had an idea for an entry, well I get here and poof brainlaps.....I had all the words and some funnies already to type and it is now lost in the space of the brain that stores it and then lets it out when you don't need or want it to come out. I am sure you have all had that happen at one time or another. So I will be back when the story leaks back to the part of my head that tells a funny story......See you all then...Have a great day ....Bear Huggin' and Lovin'
Posted by Stephie Says..... at 2:39 PM 0 comments